
Did Steve Jobs found Apple off the money he made from Breakout (the game)?

by Guest32050  |  earlier

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Are the apple symbol's colors based on the color layout of Breakout? (the increasing rainbow)




  1. The work Jobs and Steve Wozniak did for Atari to try and make a single-player console for Breakout with as few chips as possible was rejected because Atari's manufacturing system was not able to accommodate the design. The game was released using a modified design with many more chips, although Wozniak said there was little difference from his design.

    Because the Wozniak/Jobs design was ultimately rejected, Atari dragged their feet on awarding the nearly $5,000 they owed ($750 flat fee and $100 for each chip removed from original prototype).

    The rejected design became the basis for the Apple I, which was nothing more than a motherboard (no keyboard, casing, etc.) which was well-received when shown at the Homebrew Computer Club.

    The money to further develop Apple, about $250,000, was mostly provided by Mike Markkula.

    The rainbow apple design was actually the 2nd logo used by Apple Computer. The 1st was a design showing Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree. The rainbow apple logo was designed by artist Rob Janoff to fit the company's original slogan "Byte into an Apple." The apple and the colors are said to represent Newton's discoveries of the laws of gravity (the falling apple) and the separation of light in prisms.

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