
Did TIME_Magazine lose journalistic objectivity & non-partisan status: declaring Afghanistan "the right war"?

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Do you think that the War on Terror is a global war? Do you agree with the recent Iraq U.S. involvement "Time Horizon" worked out between Bush (not up for re-election) and Nouri al-Maliki (up for re-election in November) ?




  1. Time isn't objective at all- about as objective as Newsweek.  

    Yes, the War on Terror is global.  Part of the Islamic ideology is the caliph and establishing the caliphate.  Extremists interpret it as global domination under central governance (one person, "the caliph").  

    Not all Muslims are a threat or interpret Q'uran as such, but  a few have been brainwashed into doing horrendous things.  Back to a global War on Terror, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah and insurgents have bombed America (9/11), Britian (2005), Spain and Israel.  

    At some point, Iraq is going to have to stand on it's own legs.  In light of the fact that the surge worked, it may just be an ambiguous goal for progress.  Bush won't be in office to enact it, so it may be a bit premature to set a date as of yet.   Maybe it's a sign of stability, which is a good thing, but I don't see troops moving out anytime soon.

  2. No war is right, some are necessary if we are attacked.

    Yes the war on terror is global and should be dealt with by ALL.

    Time Horizon, what the heck does that mean--only GWB could come with such a phrase.

    We have been asked to leave Iraq and should comply, the sooner the better.

  3. All major media outlets are biased and should be ignored.

    All three network evening news anchors will be traveling to Europe and the Middle East next week for Barack Obama's trip. Brian Williams, Charles Gibson, and Katie Couric will be airing their newscasts from stops along Obama’s route.

    I liken this to three network news groupies going on tour with Barack Obama in Europe and the Middle East. Brian, Charlie and Katie can’t get enough of Barack Obama. They seem to think that the coverage thus far just hasn’t been good enough, so they’re going to go on the road for live, daily on-the-air massages for Barack Obama.

    When Senator John McCain was in Colombia on July 2, he was chastised on five separate occasions during two segments on ABC’s Good Morning America for leaving the country while America’s economy was in peril. In the full week that McCain was in Europe and the Middle East, CBS did one report that contained less than 35 words.

    The "big three" networks did a total of four stories on McCain's trip.

  4. No, it maintains a solid commitment to the status quo and wouldn't have "objectivity" to lose -- there is no "War" with USA or NATO having a stated enemy to wage war against just some disgruntled people of the Middle East (Saudis and Egyptians are in leadership) who have the wherewithal from connections in the West to send suicidal combatants into unguarded corners of the "hot spots"  - - as long as no Status of Forces Agreement is signed and negotiated with the "sovereign nation of Iraq" then we need a Time Horizon and a way to say goodbye ! ! !

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