
Did They Pull BlackWater Out Of Iraq?

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Are they still there or have they been asked to leave after the immunity incident?




  1. Listen to yourselves...bring the oil here?  It would be an abomination to ever touch the Iraqis oil.  We never were there for the d**n oil!  What makes you guys think that we should just might as well ship it here?  Because you guys don't know how to preserve energy?  This issued is about Blackwater knucklehead, not distorted american triumph over so-called oil!

    If America wanted the oil, we would tapped it long ago!  But no, we still have gas prices reaching near 4.50  a gallon and I don't care if it reaches 10.00 a gallon, serves us right in the first place for not exercising alternate methods of energy in the first place!

    NOW, back to the Blackwater issue.  No, it seems that all that scandal over arms smuggling and other issues seemed to dissipate their cause there.  I hated having those civilian firms working there in the first place.

  2. offically they did but they might be back

  3. No, but I honestly think we should. We should make an agreement, with the new Iraqi government once it is fully developed, allowing us to extract some of the oil and ship it here to the U.S. as payment for stopping the dictatorship they had to endure as well as for eliminating thousands of terrorists and terrorist training camps.

    I say we bring it back and put some of it to our oil reserves while the rest goes into the world market a little at a time during the duration it takes us to drill here in the U.S. and are able to reap the benefits of what we refine. Doing so could potentially hold off an oil crisis that may be inevitable in the next 5-10 years.


    The troops are still there and the surge made a huge difference, they are one step closer to allowing the Iraqi government to take over. I think they will start gradually withdrawing troops over the next year.

  4. Well if they oil got in it, it would be black.

    But why would we bring that back here?

    Just better off leaving that there.

  5. Nope still There doing a Fine Job!


  6. I bet they were asked to leave, but so far still there.

  7. they are still there but the iraqi government wants them gone.

  8. They are still there.

  9. There are still there, but recently the laws have changed, and Blackwater (any contractor) can now fall under Iraqi law if anything goes wrong. So, I'm sure their tactics/techniques have changed and they aren't as prominent as they used to be.  

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