
Did Tim Russert influence you?

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I grew up watching Meet the Press and the news of Mr.Russert's death are shocking. I want to know if anyone else felt like they lost not just a celebrity but also someone who they could relate to.




  1. Yes.  Unbelievably.  By just asking really good questions.  But not answering them.  It makes you think and draw conclusions.  So sad.

  2. When I heard today the news about MR Russert I cried. I really respected him, not only as a newscaster but as a writer and just good guy. I met him at a book signing 2 years ago...then saw him at an airport last year, we talked about the upcoming campaigns and about his favorite Buffalo team....I feel like I lost a family member...GOD bless you Tim, and condolences to your family

  3. I watched him a lot. He made politics easier to understand. Made me sad.

  4. Meet the Press kicked a$$, I watched that show for a long time.  it's always sad when good people die young

  5. he has not so much influenced me but he has made me proud to be from Buffalo because if someone like him can always have something good to say about Buffalo i guess i can see the good in the city the way he has

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