
Did Trey Canard deserve the broken femur at Washougal?

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Is it karma from that cheap take-out he did on Villopoto in St Loius?




  1. that take out on rv was completely incidental.

    You see it on the replay,  his back end slid out and hit Villopoto.  

    besides karma is for budda people

  2. good news.  he is a little b*tch.

  3. Do you even ride a bike? You can hardly call that a cheap take out. That's straight up good racing!!!

  4. The incident that you are calling a cheap take-out was basically just a racing incident.  Both riders were riding aggressively and unfortunately Villopoto was the one that went down.  

    Canard certainly did not deserve a broken femur as that would imply intent to take-out another rider when it was obvious that, that was not the case.

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