
Did UCLA get lucky last night or what!?!?

by Guest44633  |  earlier

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There was no way they should've won that game, as awful as Craft played, throwing 4 INTs in the 1st half. I don't know how they managed to pull off a victory.




  1. Luck is where preparation meets opportunity.  Each team had opportunities last night, Tennessee probably had more.  They just didn't take advantage of them.

  2. People are gonna say this proves the SEC is overated. HARDLY. Upsets happen and this was definitely an upset. Missed field goal, blocked punt returned for a TD, Tennessee fumbling at the UCLA 6, missed FG in OT. UCLA just lucked out. If the game was run back I think Tennessee would dominate. But that's college football.

  3. As a longtime Bruin fan I was thrilled!  That being said, this game was more about Tennessee not playing very well.

    Tennessee will no longer be ranked when the ratings are released.  That's for sure.  Let's see if this Craft guy for UCLA is for real or just a one hit wonder.

  4. Great Game, Huge win for the bruins. Gotta love college football.

  5. Agreed.  CRAZY comeback for him.

  6. no I don't think so Tennessee is in trouble in the SEC my Auburn Tigers will crush them! along with Alabama, Georgia, and Florida  

  7. when a team throws 4 ints in the 1st half alone u hav 2 b able 2 capitalize and put that team away n arian foster is tennesses playmaker n he did not get enough carries. i agree that ucla should hav nvr won that game last night b/c tennesse is a much btr team n at the end of the year the W-L record will speak for itself. however ucla didnt get lucky but instead tennesse jus beat themelves by lettin ucla hang around to long and not puttin them away. losin b/c of a missed fg jus sums it all up.

  8. Lucky, sure, every team gets lucky. But there defense was superb  the entire game  and Craft found his rhythm in the second half or they were toast. Go Pac-10.

  9. shocked the h**l out of me and im a bruins fan

    honestly thought now way possible for us to being ucla

  10. they did get lucky I was rooting for Tennessee and Tennessee blew the game last night they should have won easily

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