
Did WASHIngtin ever get mad cuz he was only on the 5 dollir bill, stead of the 20, or even the 100?

by Guest21401  |  earlier

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we all know he sav'd the union and stuff, but how do we historions know that his feelings were ntot hurt?




  1. LINCOLN IS ON THE 5 DOLLAR BILL wASHINGTON ON THE ONE DOLLAR BILL. AND THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION is no. there were no paper money until the civil war by which time washington was dead.

  2. Don't worry. He doesn't even care because he's been dead for a long, long time.  

  3. Washington was on the 5 dollar bill? Gee, must be crowded with Lincoln there too....

  4. No, because he was long dead when money as we know it now starting being used.

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