
Did Walt Disney support Hitler?

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A history teacher in Anaheim said that he was in the army with Walt Disney and he supported Hitler and the n***s. Is this true??




  1. First of all, how old was this "teacher"? He couldn't have been old enough to have been in the army with Walt Disney since Walt has been dead for 44 years. That "history teacher,"  if he did indeed make this statement, was fabricating a big lie for his own elevation, and was a fraud as a "teacher" because he was in a serious need of studying history, particularly that of Walt Disney.  Are we sure that the "student" was certain this teacher made this statement, or fabricated this for the sake of making an outrageous remark to draw attention upon himself? Regardless, let's recall the facts.

    First of all, when Walt was in the army, it was during WWI.  He was already underage, and forged his Birth Certificate in order to serve.  When he arrived, the Armistice had been declared.  That was in 1918.  He was an Ambulance Driver and saw no combat.  Further, he could never have known about Hitler or met him since Hitler was in the German Army, did not come into public view until 1931.  So how could he have any views favoring Hitler?

    Walt personally financed the production of VICTORY THROUGH AIR POWER, based on the book by Major Alexander de Seversky.  This film explained in convicing detail that a victor over the Axis Power was through an effective air force.  Also, Disney produced other anti-n**i films such as EDUCATION FOR DEATH, which tells of the crippling agenda of The Third Reich and how it conditioned children to hate and serve the Hitler regime without questioning its mission.  Also, Disney produced the Academy Award-winning DER FEURER'S FACE, whichas definately in opposition to Hitler, making a strong impact upon our domestic propaganda in support of the war effort, which was focused on preserving the freedoms we "enjoyed" in America.  Sadly, we can only wonder if some of what was happening in Hitler's Germany isn't starting to happen in America.  After all, it was former President George H. Bush who spoke of "the new world order."  These were the exact words expressed by Hitler in the 1930s.  No, Disney was not a Hitler sympathizer. But one of the tactics of the n***s, and particularly Hitler, was to tell a big lie and repeat it often enough until it was accepted as the truth.  Making a statment such as this counts the same as what the n***s did. So who is the Hitler sympathizer now?  As the pot said to the kettle, "You're black!"




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