
Did White people ever have the ability to jump and have rhythm and lost it through breeding ?

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Did White people ever have the ability to jump and have rhythm and lost it through breeding ?




  1. yes probly

  2. We are all modern humans Homo sapiens sapiens the only hominid who has survived.Rhythm and dancing(rhythm) are universal in cultures throught the world,and probably go back as far

    as modern human beings about 150,000 years ago.If you look at preliterate cultures today rhythm and dance is universal representing our earliest past.

  3. well as we all were the same person at one point ie: gods creation of course, or primordial ooze. which makes us all the same inside so the out side only is the result you coming from a different part of the earth ie: if you life at the equator for many generations starting as a white person overtime say 100 years you would inevitably become darker in skin tone. so to explain you question you would need to look at the out side temp. and how it would affect us over time you see if you lived in a warmer climate you would be able to move better. as shown people can usually move better it hot weather and slower in colder weather. So that would mean yes. You have just been enlightened.

  4. yes, white people lost their "rhythm and jumping" genome as their "ability to get off of welfare and find a job" genome developed

  5. Multiplicative rhythm (as opposed to additive rhythm) is basically a Western concept. From plainchant, through Baroque to Modernist pieces. Rhythm as weight change in dance units is present in all dancing; ballet being a supreme example.

    Kanagaroos are pretty good at jumping are most frogs.

  6. It doesn't look like it.

  7. What a mean spirited question. This is a typical stereotypical view. Not all white folks are lacking rhythm. What is wrong with you? Just as all black folks do not have rhythm. I hope your day gets better. God bless****

  8. Did Brian2006 ever have the ability to think rationally and lost it through drug use?

  9. Yes they did. But a long time ago there was a man who couldn't jump and had no rhythm, however he was great with the ladies. He had hundreds of children that spread that spread that gene.

  10. I can't speculate on the ability to jump, but if you think white men have no rhythm I suggest you goggle the name "Steve Cropper" sometime.

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