
Did William Shakespeare open his birthday presents before he died?

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Did William Shakespeare open his birthday presents before he died?




  1. ermm i think he probably did   who wouldnt open their birthday presents

  2. I like to think so- and that he managed to get the bumps and eat cake.  

  3. he was reciting at the time,alas poor yorick i knew him well arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,

  4. He probably did because it is likely he didn't die on his birthday. The myth that he was born and died on the 23rd April was put about by fanciful Victorians to tie him in with absolute Englishness by having him die on St. George's Day, the Patron Saint of England. Shakespeare probably passed away on the 2nd May as there is a record of it in Stratford-upon-Avon registered on the 4th.

  5. He died in his sleep i think so no probs not

  6. Honey, i have no idea

    but i could contact him for ya, i do that sorta thing

    Dunno how i would tho :S

    he may ave opened them, he could have thought ' oh **** i have a feeling im gonna die today better oopen my prezzies quick'

  7. If he died on his birthday then he most likely did..

    If he dies before then i doubt it

    And if he dies after then no

  8. Further to what Moriarty says, it is also not certain that Shakespeare was born on 23 April.  His baptism was on 26 April and it was usual to do that when the child was three days old.  It was just assumed that that was what happened in his case.  

  9. I think he most probably did, what a fun question.

  10. no he was to baird

  11. yes, he got an atari ST.

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