
Did World War III already start? Martial law comming soon?

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Did WWIII already start? i mean look at wats happening in the middle-east and russia/georgia.

Do you think WWIII is the cause or lead to the end of the world like the Mayan's predicted?(2012)

Why are their over 600 FEMA concentration/prision camps scattered throughout the united states? Most of them holding over thousands yet hundred thousands and one in alaska holding 2million prisoners. None of these camps are being used and are empty at the moment, but are guarded by full-time guards!?!? Some of them even have Ovens/gas chambers!!!.

What's the plan behind this evil government?... the illuminati...In the future the united states might see martial law and the illuminati's dirty plan to depopulate the people.

What are your views on this?




  1. I too trust the predictions of a people who believed that the sun would not rise unless someone's beating heart was held out to the sky. Seems like a people ahead of their time since we think that the sun rises because of some weird phenomenon called rotation. Great choice of references there pal.

    What is happening in Georgia and the Middle East? Tell me from first person reports what is happening there and you'll have a stronger argument than if you pull your info from the daily news that focuses on events that give ratings. You probably missed the update on how many humanitarian missions U.S. troops conducted today since suicide bombings is what is usually reported.

    On to the Illuminati. A small group of people who apparently is strong enough to control the U.S. but is completely incapable of shutting up people who run around exposing this secret organization. You may as well blame the Easter Bunny for global warming.

    The U.S. is running concentration camps with gas chambers that are similar to what n**i Germany had set up during WWII and CNN is broadcasting the Democratic Convention with no mention of these sites? If water boarding got so much attention in Guantanamo Bay, which is in Cuba, why are execution chambers on American soil not a bigger story? Additionally why use ovens and gas since the lethal injection costs less and would be just as effective?

    Lastly how could WWIII have started if you're still posting questions on Yahoo Answers?  Seriously exercise the freedoms you take for granted and do a little research before asking a question. Before informing me that you watched Zeitgeist and some Michael Moore flicks since corporate media brainwashes you, keep in mind that being brainwashed by Michael Moore is just as bad as believing all the words coming out of Tony Snow's mouth.

    To the guy from the Army who posted that everyone should vote Democrat since Republicans worship Satan, you are a perfect candidate for breathing exhaust fumes in the garage for about an hour or so.  

  2. not yet

    but i have a feeling that it will start within the next 9 years or so

  3. umm...ya, so if the media is so biased, how did you find out about the camps?

    I mean, i think people would notice concentration camps...we have eyes, you know...

    ""These FEMA camps are big news and their are reports aren't going out to the public b/c the illuminati/masons own the media""

    How, then, could they be big news, if the news is controlled, eh?

    why dont you post some proof, first, then ill call you a pinko commie hippie sob?

  4. No world war three has not started yet! But i too know about these fema camps, and i dont know what to think about these yet. The end times are near. Im not sure how near, but i know its near. These "concentration camps" can be for world war three for foreign prisoners if we get into it. Like i said i do not know what to think. Its so messed up. Im in the army... and if martial law comes into play ill be apart of it. Russia and georgia is actually going down a bit.


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