
Did Y!A turn over control of its accuracy and efficiency to the DMV?

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Let me offer my congrats on ruining the hockey section, job well done.

To make this an official hockey section question.......

Who is hotter...... Miley Cyrus or Billy Ray Cyrus?




  1. Sure seems that way, huh . Zam. I really don't even think the DVM could s***w this up that bad. Maybe wishful thinking from me.

    As for your hockey question. The answer is neither.  

  2. The DMV is a ticket to h**l.  The people who work there are old scapegoats who deliver the same half-a**ed service expected from any government agency.  Being nasty with their customers is their only way of boosting their little egos.  Can it be the lack of windows, or the lighting?

  3. Nah with the DMV you'd have to stand in line for hours with 90yr old blue hairs talking aboot their first car..the "Model T"

    Miley is cute but young Billy had the prototypical 90s mullet so..Billy by a rat tail.

    Your link isn't working for me so I'll just say you should move on..She wanted a guy with a better sense of humor,better looking, and a much better athlete,its Ok...Let it go..I'm sure there's just as many women in "Pennsyltucky".

  4. Oh, pumpkin, sorry to hear about Tracy porking Quagmire.  At least he gets your sloppy seconds.  

    Miley has that whole...I am mildly-normal-looking-and-super-young innocent in the sack, sort of look...but Billy Ray, sported those "Vanilla Ice" stripes in the side of his I am going to have to go will good 'ol Billy on the premise that it looked like hockey that white trash sort of way.

  5. That's better than the question of

    How long would it take you to hop around the world on your tongue?

    in the bird section!

    AND EEEWWW! Neither.

  6. Sorry to hear about your girlfriend.

    Hopefully this "glitch" that is happening will be over soon, it's pretty annoying, just like all the multiple accounts trolls are making.

    Question - Neither, im not a L*****n.

  7. Only if you had to wait for HOURS to answer or ask a question.

    Oh no, do I really have to choose... Doesn't Miley have a younger brother??

    ...Nope, my answer is still none of them.

  8. Aw, bummer.

    And neither of those Cyrus's

    I like Trace Cyrus, lead singer of Metro Station(:

  9. It seems that way, up here we call them Revenu Quebec.

    Both Ice cold, speaking of Billy Ray he always reminded me of Barry Melrose....maybe this is an old hockey section question.

    This is brutal and all the have to do is disable the feature that suggests where to post the d@mm question. at least until they fix it.  

    We can suffer the inconvienence of chosing our section if it means getting rid of the c**p.

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