
Did Yahoo take the old message boards down because of pressure from the Bush Administration and AIPAC?

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The official reason was that the old boards "allowed a small number of vocal users to dominate the discussion".

I have heard a rumor that there were complaints that too many of the posts were anti-Bush Administration and also anti-Israel. Since the boards were directly connected to news stories, they were read by many who were reading just the news stories - the Bush administration as well as AIPAC were not very happy about this, so they asked Yahoo to disconnect the two - is there any truth to this story?

BTW, aol news has message boards similar to the old yahoo boards.




  1. Heh. Yeah, the Bush administration cares about random people typing on the internet.

    Somehow, I think they've got bigger fish to fry, more influential people to repress.

  2. No.  That's absurd.

    What happened was that an attorney in California named Steven Galton became alarmed by some posting on a yahoo message board about one of his clients.  He posted a number of times in response, in order to argue his client's point of view.  He was then subjected to the usual abuse that one might have come to expect on a yahoo message board.  Rather than take this in stride the way everybody else did, he chose to threaten yahoo with a class action lawsuit for not "monitioring" their boards which is arguably a violation of yahoo's own stated policies.  He set about attempting to put together a class for his proposed lawsuit and yahoo folded up like a lawn chair.

    Thus the boards died, and all that fun was killed.  All because of a lawyer named Steven Galton.  Little wonder that so many people despise lawyers.

  3. thanks, i didnt know that

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