
Did You Ever Have Wet Your Pants When You Were In School?

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I guess this was a repressed memory, but it really sounds like a bad dream even though it really happened.

When I was in 3rd grade, I wet my pants in school.

I had a strict teacher and I think I was afraid to ask to go.

I also had a teacher in first grade that humiliated me.

At that age, we didn't have to ask. We just went.

Well I got in trouble and had to stand in the corner (near the restroom.)

So when I had to go, I went in. She came in and spanked me right at the same time I got my pants undone.

All the kids knew what happened. It happend to others too.

I know it sounds crazy, but teachers could get by with stuff like that back in the 70's.

And when I had the accident, it was obvious, but no one took me aside to help me. They all acted like nothing happened.

A couple kids noticed but didn't say anything to me.

I was so humiliated. It really bothers me now that I remember it.

How could teachers let this go, like it didn't happen?




  1. some teachers are @$$es

  2. Yup, wish you hadn't reminded me.....

  3. yes I did, in kindergarten....the teacher did not let me go to the bathroom....she said i could not go until i "asked right"...I told her that I needed to use the, I peed my mother was so upset....she had a nice little talk with the teacher and that never happened again!!

  4. that was the good old days when teachers could hit a student and i think people ended up just fine u breathing??? or hooked on meth??? if not then get over it and go on about your buisness

  5. i never did... but my worst memory in school was 3rd grade i had a ***** of a teacher, and i passed a note saying that she was a *****... she caught me.... and grabbed me by the ear... smacked my face... and dragged me by my ear... i ended up running out the door and hiding in the woods until school was over. I ended up getting in more trouble than she.

  6. 3rd grade - AND on st. patty's day - AND i was the new kid in school.  we were making/filming a mock news cast and no one was allowed out of the room all day.  i made it to the washroom, but i was all dressed up in a green jumper and couldn't get it off fast enough.  i was lucky in one respect - i happened to live directly across the street, so no one knew but the office lady.  very very very humiliating memory.  pretty sure this was one of those occasions daddy made the teacher cry...

  7. Yes I did, It was in gym class and the coach was really mean . She started yelling at us not to ask to go to the rest room, then I raised my hand and told her I really had to go (and I am that kid who never uses the restroom in school, so this was a once in a blue moon thing) and she started yelling at me like "WHAT DID I JUST SAY???!!" And so then I peed my self cause I was scared, then she started yelling at me again because I peed my self!! I hated that teacher!

  8. Yeah when I was in the 3rd grade, I was in violin pratice during lunch break and the teacher wouldn't let me go to the bathroom and I wet my pants.  It was embarassing, thinking back now I should have just walked right out and went to the bathroom.

  9. Myself, no, though I saw a few of my classmates wet their pants between the 1st and 3rd grades.  Each time, the teacher helped them and/or took them out of the classroom after they peed their pants.  I can't imagine a teacher would just let a student sit there the rest of the day in wet pants after they peed themselves.

  10. never happened to me but i saw classmates do it and it made me mad every time

  11. no but i would turn so red every one would know

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