
Did You Know Coke is Haram!?

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Dear Brothers & Sisters Read this, it tells you all about it! I do believe it but tell me your opinions!

Please dont say nasty things or mean things!

"Coca Cola has some alcohol

ingredients and Pepsi has some pork ingredients. Also, the soft drinks produced by these two companies should not be drunk because, first of all, they harm people, as alcohol and cigarettes do; and secondly, drinking them can be considered unnecessary because there are no health benefits. And maybe the most important thing here is that both of these companies support Israel."

Do any of you think its true?

If you want more infomation please email me or IM me ::D




  1. These are rumors and a straight lie.

    If there was alcohol so they would mention.  

  2. Did you know the people in Israel eat food?

    OMG I am promoting Israel.

    Oh my God I am a racist, fascist and nationalist.

    By the way if the company does not tell people.

    How do you know?

  3. Yeah, i've heard of this before..

    It's best to avoid it, there's still many other drinks.. 7up,Mountain Dew.. etc etc

  4. Are you kdding me? Not sure if Coke supports Israel but if they do their product is harram? WHAT IS IT WITH YOU MUSLIMS AND YOUR ANTI-ISRAEL c**p, SHUT UP AND STOP HATING ON JEWS...ISRAEL IS THERE ONLY HOMELAND!


  5. If you can prove there is Alcohol or pork ingredients then you would be able to present a case.

    But in Islaam there is a principle: that we do not go by doubt or conjecture. We go by certainty.

    So saying "I think..." or "There is... but I dont have solid evidence" is not a factor which gives evidence.


    The harm of Soda is not the same as the harm of Alcohol and Cigarettes. It's not an intoxicant nor is it a harmful drink except in large quantities (which can be said about other drinks and food items as well).


    Even without benefits, there is no prevention for it in Islaam.


    Even if they support Israel, it's permissible to use their products. The Prophet salallaahu alaihi wa salam traded and did business with the Kuffaar during times of war. There's no prevention of this.

    You must be extremely cautious in saying what is Halaal and Haraam without any textual evidences.

  6. I did not know this are you sure its true?

  7. yeh next time drinking water is haram cause it contains in plastic bottles.. Theres to many fatwa's in this website. stop making them :@

    If they were haram then why do 90% muslims drink it? WHy do the Islamic countries sell them? Why does Libya have it? when they dont allow alcohol or pork in the country? huh?


  9. that's right sister, u go get ur mesage across :P  

  10. It's not haraam but supporting israel..yeah i heard dat.

  11. sorry...but i've heard this 9874398748 times before...

    how can soft drinks containing pork?

    plus we never heard that someone died or got cancer from drinking too much pepsi..

    so eventually we reach the last point,which justifies everything....indeed the money goes to the US and in turn it goes to ppl make up fatwas declaring it's boycott is sth,but to say sth is haram is another thing!

  12. No that's not true.  Coke and Pepsi used to have alcohol.  In fact Pepsi used to have Crack Cocaine in it, and then Coke started putting Cocaine in their soda(hence the name "coke").  It was a secret ingredient used up until the 20th century. Coke doesn't use Alcohol or Cocaine in their soda anymore.  Pepsi on the other hand DOES use alcohol.

    Pemberton called for five ounces of coca leaf per gallon of syrup, a significant dose, whereas, in 1891, Candler claimed his formula (altered extensively from Pemberton's original) contained only a tenth of this amount. Coca Cola did once contain an estimated nine milligrams of cocaine per glass, but in 1903 it was removed. Coca Cola still contains coca flavoring.  After 1904, Coca Cola started using, instead of fresh leaves, "spent" leaves - the leftovers of the cocaine-extraction process with cocaine trace levels left over at a molecular level.

    "The oils that they use to make pepsi have minute traces of alcohol which combined make up a percentage of alcohol" - Pepsi (July 8, 1999 4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time)

  13. INGREDIENTSWhat does Coca-Cola contain ?

    Coca-Cola is carbonated beverage consisting of refined sugar, flavor syrup, purified water, concentrate and carbon dioxide.

    How much is Coca-Cola's water content ?

    Coca-Cola contains 90% water, while Diet Coke's water content is up to 99%.

    Does Coca-Cola contain any animal products or by-products ?

    No. Coca-Cola contains no animal products or by-products, and no alcohol or harmful substance.

    Is there any chemical substance in Coca-Cola ?

    Chemical substances added to food production process are called additive. The additive is added under strict analysis and regular monitoring that meet quality standard and legal requirements.

    Rumor: Some products of The Coca-Cola Company contain alcohol

    Our Response: All of our soft drinks are nonalcoholic beverages. The ingredients and manufacturing processes used in the production of our soft drinks are rigorously regulated by government and health authorities. In every country where our products are sold, our soft drinks are recognized by the local government and health authorities as nonalcoholic.

  14. it can happen in non Muslim country but in Pakistan Pepsi import from Dubai and Saudi Arabia  and Pakistan have his own Pepsi& coke  plant in Karachi

  15. Where did you get the information from....?

    May you kindly post it here or send it to me.

  16. I am sorry sister but I believe this to be an urban legend.  Originally when coke was manufactured it did have alcohol in it, however when it became a commercialized product, the alcohol was removed.  

  17. umm, can i see the sources where pepsi supports Israel? thats something new. i know coke does.

    and for them containing those things, i think thats a rumor.

    edit: amin, ur right. my bad i apologize. i meant to say zionists. and its Palestinians home land.

  18. That's a story that has been going the rounds since i do not how long. It's just a 'Monkey Sandwich' story like we call it here.

    don't let these kinds of stories fool you sis. Pepsi and Coca Cola do not contain alcohol or anything from animals, let alone prok.

  19. c**p

    Edit: because there are zillions stories like this sister! some people like to spread lies in order to make us look like fools and Haram police! If Coke was Haram then our scholars would not hesitate a second in declaring that!

  20. I like your spirit. But to declare something haram without knowledge is a great sin. Islam is very hard on the issue of Haram and Halal, so be careful.

  21. not true.

    if it did have alcohol then they wouldnt sell it to minors

    would they now.

    how can a drink have pork?

  22. Basic Natural Ingredients

    Some examples of basic non-toxic readily-available ingredients are:

    Coca Cola (toxic, but readily available)

    Frugal household alternatives:







    tea tree oil

    baking soda

    orange peel oil

    artgum erasers

    corn cob crumbs

    sugar cane extract

    I dont see no Pork or Sharab in it !

  23. also i heard some thing like when you turn the coca cola wrapper around....the coco cola swirly writing turns into arabic words...

    saying there is no Allah and NO muhammed...

    Tauba nausbillah

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