
Did You Know That Israel Is Behind The Georgia Conflict??

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Georgian tanks and infantry, aided by Israeli military advisers, captured the capital of breakaway South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, early Friday, Aug. 8, bringing the Georgian-Russian conflict over the province to a military climax.




  1. I think you are right dear. The public is not worried about the truth, just how they are going to get their nails done and when they are going to get the next best thing that is owed to them. Some of us will survive and we know who will ask for help surviving. I am sick of the idiots that do not read. God bless you for trying to pick intelligence out of brains!

  2. are you beleiving anything the media tells you seems like it to me.

    georgia attacked south ossetia to take it back from russia. kind off its a territory so russia fighting back. and the've been fighting for decades

  3. Israel is another country that like to start wars  

  4. They bought some ordnance from Israel.

    Israel neither supports them nor opposes them.


  5. You raise a good point. And, that if Iran and Israel go to war, it could make funny bed partners.

    You may find the USA and Israel and India on one side.


    Iran, China, Russia, Pakistan, on another.  

    And, the EU on the sidelines.

    While Syria and Lebanon and Palestine are with the Persians/Iran.   The likes of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are on the sidelines.  Though technically at peace with Israel, the Arab street will probably shelf its dislike for Iran due to its hatred for Israel.

  6. I believe it. Thanks.

  7. Maybe, but they are getting their asses kicked now !!

  8. no surprise that the U.S, Israel and Nato back the aggressors Georgia.

    Russia is only defending the people of south ossetia  

  9. Thank you so much for informing us of this un-fact.

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