
Did You Know This: "Thousands of Americans, Descendants of Royalty Ancestory, England, Scotland, etc. ????

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I wish to know if there are other people, who have Discovered, that

They Are Descendants to the Royalty Ancestory / Kingship, of the

Foreign Countries, such as Scotland / England.

I am descended from the "Guice" Family, and the Kuykendall

Family Ancestory & Montague Family Ancestory, who are of the

Royalty of the King James People.

Quite a Discovery for Our Family to be in possession of this knowledge too.

We Document Our Family History as it is Researched, too.(TF)




  1. well yes of course you are, it dosent mean you are close to a crown

    however there would be very few families that didn't have some royal connection however remote

  2. Very interesting...I knew that, sort of.  I used to have a boyfriend who claimed to be descnended from an illegitimate child of Charles II of Britain.  But then, he said that was no great shakes, as Charles II had tons of illegitimate children.

  3. "you can buy into Scottish Royalty nowadays for $19.98"

    WTF are you talking about, Eric H? You can't even buy into nobility in Britain, let alone royalty. Are you talking about that silly scam where dumb Americans are told that owning a square yard of a Scottish glen entitles them to call themselves "Laird" of somewhere? It's not true - and even if it were true, Scottish lairds aren't royalty or anything like.

  4. How do you think the north america was discovered

  5. no way, wow that's so cool. i don't think anyone would have ever thought of that, the English coming to America... ??? no kidding. OMG!!!!!

  6. You might need to read more. If everyone has the six degrees of separation, we are all related to each other in some manner or form

  7. I do say that is quite interesting. No really I descend from poor farmers in Czechoslovakia. My ancestors were stowaways coming into America... My other side which is of the German ancestry I do not know much about.

  8. i am a direct descendant of King Aragorn of Gondor.

  9. Well, since you can buy into Scottish Royalty nowadays for $19.98, it's not that hard to be linked.

  10. neat!

  11. Our family secret is that many many years ago a maid in England had an illegitamate child with a duke, the maid (who is my relation) came to America, was offered royalties to come back to England but would have to renounce our religion and join the church of England so the offer was rejected.

  12. We researched our ancestry back to the Tudor family in England,which was of royalty =)

  13. Join the club.  According the Wikipedia link below, at least half of all Americans have links to European royalty, most particularly those Americans who can trace their family back  to Colonial America.  Meanwhile, 25 percent of the population in the United Kingdom descends from the Plantagenet dynasty.  Odds are, most English and Americans alive today are equally likely to be a descendant of either William the Conqueror or his stable boy.   All their ancestors had to do in order for them to achieve this feat was to survive the Black Death.

    So saying, has allowed me to trace my roots back to James I and II of Scotland and on back to Robert the Bruce (unverified, of course) while another online genealogy mentions William Wallace.  [I'm not really sure where wishful thinking comes into play here; suffice it to say, they were Scots.]

    Question: If you are a descendant of James I of England (and VI of Scotland), does this mean that you are a descendant of Charles II and one of his many mistresses?

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