
Did You Notice That Most Girls Are Driven To And From School And Boys Aren't?

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Do parents in general seem to baby or be more protective over girls than boys?

I noticed this in my school that even in high school most girls car-pooled and hardly went to and from school with public transportation.

The boys on the other hand were to fend for themselves and always took the bus or train to and from school; unless they "had a reason" to be driven.

Was this the case with you?




  1. It depends on the parents because with me, since elementary school I've walked myself to school. When I started work I took public transportation. Never once was offered or given a ride by my parents or family members. I guess it was their way of teaching me how to be independent.

    Now that I have kids of my own I honestly would not have them walk to school. I would rather drive them there and back. Most likely they will never get the chance to experience public transportation since I am to protective of them.

  2. Males are expected to be more independent and aggressive than females in most cultures. Males were the hunters and were expected to range far and wide until the agrarian society developed. Also in a tribal culture females had to be conserved to ensure the continuation of the tribe. A tribe with one female and 5 males can replace one member a year, a tribe with 5 females and one male can replace 5 members a year. These were just fact of survival for thousands of years and in some places these facts did not change until a hundred years or so ago. It is hard to change tens of thousands of years of conditioning in a hand full of generations.

  3. Girls are more protected and yes, there are double husband is the first to admit and accept it

  4. yes, that's true I've noticed that too. just never gave it any thought

    it's just the thing about a girl needing someone to protect them and stuff i guess.

    same reason in Islamic culture women need a male to go out the house i guess

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