
Did You Notice WHen You Are Shopping?

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at the grocery store, that people don't pay attention to each other or just ignore each other and turn away?




  1. I speak to those I know and attempt to get out of peoples way if I see I am in it. You cannot stop and talk to everyone in the store. You would never get out. I am not opposed to conversations in the check out line if spoken to.

  2. I've noticed this too. It is strange how people don't want to get to know others. That's why I shop in the middle of the night...naked.

  3. People like privacy even when there is no REAL privacy. I on the other hand talk to others wherever whenever.

  4. Hm. Doesn't happen here. You must be up north somewhere.

  5. Maybe they are paying attention to what they are buying. They don't come to the store to socialize.

  6. I ignore others because I'm there to do my thing and get out.  I'm not interested in anyone else's purchases, phone conversations, clothes, etc.

    The only time I notice anything is if someone gets in my way.

    I'm afraid I'm just not much of a humanitarian when I'm shopping.  Others might feel I'm pretty nosy and invasive, though, if I minded their business.

  7. cannot answer this question on the grounds that it might incriminate me

  8. People are there because they go there to buy, and they are more into what they are going to buy than that fat lady who's wearing short shorts...well I guess that can't be overseen, but still. You're just minding your own business at the grocery store...well at least I am...unless I ask someone where the eggs are or someone asks me something.

  9. Well, that is not a place to socialise. People already hate having to make small talk to strangers, why should they do it at the grocery store? Not having to do it is so much preferred.

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