
Did You Notice the Lack of Black, Brown, Asian..etc at the Repub Convention?

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I mentioned this earlier and a few nutcases actually denied the reality of it.

At the Democrat Convention there were a mixture of all, just like the USA.

Found this interesting article. It would be funny if it was not so sad.




  1. I notice they had hired one black man to sit there wearing a POW/MIA baseball cap. The Grand Oil Party are also Guardians of Prejudice  and black people scare them spitless.

  2. yes CNN flashed the same faces a few times GREEN 960 a AM station here in San Francisco the announcers said they are white but that conventions was WHITE!! they had to laugh about it!!  

  3. Reminded me of cottage cheese.

  4. Oh, yes, lack of political decorations.

  5. Not really.  I, like most Republicans, am blind to color...and it just never even enters our mind to look and start counting how many people are of what color.  That seems to be a Democrat thing.

  6. Yeah, it looked like the movie Pleasantville

  7. yes,  but  whats your point?

  8. I honestly counted 6, including the lady who sang on stage.

    But the Reps tried so hard - the cameras constantly on those 5 or 6.  

    Sad, isn't it?  The scene explains itself.

  9. Sorry friend but in almost every cutaway shot on ABC last night there was someone who was Black or Hispanic. I remember someone asking this yesterday so I made a point of watching as I am not apt to care much about race.  

    Someone else also said something about it being like a KKK rally which is funny because the KKK was formed to intimidate Republicans and Blacks who have always been welcomed and a part of the Republican party. Do some research and you will find this to be true. In fact the first political party that cast a vote for a Black person for president was the Republicans {In the 1880's I think) and it was Fredrick Douglas.

  10. I noticed that too. I also loved the abundance of cowboys hats at the RNC. The DNC was definately more diverse.

  11. The reason you didn't see anyone of color is becaus GOP stands for Grumpy Old and Pale, so thus, no room for mixture of color.

  12. Actually I did see different ethnicities at the RNC...not the motley crew the Democrats are so proud of but an assortment of can believe anything you like will anyway...

  13. Yep.  Sadly, most minorities are still under the false impression that the dems care about them.  They are very good at pandering to minoritiy groups while keeping them down with a straight face with destructive handout policies and culture of victimhood while pointing to the Republicans so the minorities and women can envy their success and blame them for why they aren't ahead in life.

    Fortunately, some minorities and women are waking up to this garbage philosophy peddled by democrats and are joining the side that actually cares about them.  All you have to do is see that success stories like Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana and former eBay CEO Meg Whitman didn't subscribe to the culture of victimhood and instead chose to do their own thing, and became wildly successful at it.

  14. Well since they seem to think we all look the same. I guess they thought that by putting one of each group would suffice.

  15. Because more gravitate to the Democrats and all of their empty promises, so they get the votes.......  

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