
Did You Wear Diapers For Bed Wetting When You Were A Kid?

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Sorry if it seem like an odd question.

But when I was growing up, I had a chronic bed wetting problem.

My Mom shamed me for something I had no control over.

She made diapers a threat to try to make me stop.

Actually, They might of made things a little easier to handle as a kid.

Since it would of been better than waking up to pee soaked sheets.

And the humiliation and low self esteem cr@p that goes with it all.

There weren't Goodnites or Pull Ups at that time.

So I was just curious how bed wetting was handled when you were a kid if it was a problem for you or a family member.




  1. Guest60231

     I started bedwetting just after entering puberty before my 12th birthday.I was put into cloth pin on diapers and toddler size rubberpants every night at bedtime.I had one dresser drawer full of the cloth diapers with the diaper pins in a cup,and the drawer just below it full of the rubberpants.Every night before bedtime mom would tell me its time to get your diapers and rubberpants on and she would go into my room and take out the diapers and pins,then a pair of rubberpants and the baby powder and lay them on my bed.I would lay on my bed and she would put them on me! I felt like i was in my 2nd babyhood!Being a girl,i had rubberpants in pastels and babyprints.During the winter months,i wore a footed blanket sleeper and with the diapers and rubberpants under it is when i really felt like a baby!The worst part was,mom had me wear the rubberpants on easter sunday under my easter dress and also on christmas eve and day under my holiday dress.My bedwetting went on thru 13 and 14 and stopped just after i turned 15 and it was quite hard being 15 and in the diapers and rubberpants at that age,but thankfully my bedwetting didnt last much into 15.

  2. Guest60037

     Back in the 50s,60s and early 70s,the cloth pin on diapers and toddler or super size baby rubberpants were all that was available for older kids to wear for bedwetting.It was especially hard on girls going thru puberty who became bedwetters because of it.Alot of girls started puberty around 11 and 12 and it lasted until around 14 and even sometimes 15!The girls who became bedwetters were put into the cloth pin on diapers and rubberpants by their parents and it was rough for the girls.These girls also wore their cloth diapers and rubberpants in weddings,for 1st communions,confirmation and holidays such as Easter and christmas.It was quite common to see bedwetting girls with the diapers and rubberpants on at sleepovers,slumber parties,and birthday parties.Girls around 13 and 14 and getting towards the end of puberty were the ones that had it the hardest,and even a few girls were 15 when they finially got of the bedwetting cloth diapers and rubberpants! I was a bedwetter from 11 to past 14 and wore the cloth diapers and super large size rubberpants to bed every night and it was no picnic!

  3. Guest59859

     Yes,i started wetting the bed at 14 due to some emotional problems and was put into cloth diapers and super large size plastic baby pants[rubberpants as my parents called them].Every night at bedtime,i would lay naked on my bed,mom would powder me,then pin the diapers on me the pull the rubberpants up my legs and over the diapers.Then it was into my two piece footed pjs and into bed.Four months later,i had my 8th grade confirmation,and per the parish dress code,had to wear a white flowergirl type dress and veil with lace socks and white shows and mom put the diapers and rubberpants on me when she dressed me and i wore them all day under my dress! It was quite weird!On christmas morning,mom changed my wet diapers and put fresh rubberpants over them and i wore them under my pjs to open presents.My bedwetting stoped just before i was 16.

  4. Guest59734

    As a late bedwetter myself at 6 years old I was taken to the doctors whao finally figured out that my bladder needed to catch up to he rest of my body.   So one day when I came home from school mom sat down with me and told me that her and dad had talked and they want me to wear diapers to bed to help keep things comfortable and stop the middle of the night sheet and nitey changing.I of course wanted nothing to do with it and pleaded not to wear diapers but mom insisted and there was an order coming in the mail.  A few days later I got home from school and mom took me to her room and there on her bed were cloth diapers, plastic pants and diaper pins.  I started to cry but mom talked to me and said that  no one would know except for her and dad and so after that I felt a little better.  That night at my bedtime mom came to my room with me carrying the diapers and plastic pants, She had me lie down on my bed raise my hips and she slid the diapers under me.  She very quickly pulled them between my legs and pinned them at the waist and had me stand next to my bed as she held the plastic pants open and I stepped into them and she pulled them up over my diapers.  Now I was ready for bed.  With my nitey on I climbed into bed and there I was lying in bed wearing cloth diapers and plastic pants.  I didn't sleep much those first few nights but after a couple nights I started waking up with wet diapers and so for the next 5 years it was normal for me to be opening Christmas presents while still wearing wet diapers and plastic pants and thinking nothing of it.

  5. Guest59720

     My sister and I were both bedwetters until around age 10 or 11 and we bith wore cloth diapers and plastic pants to bed. each night about a half hour before our bedtimes we were taken to our rooms where the diapers and plastic pants were waiting to be put on.  Once the diapers were pinned and the plastic pants on we would put on pj's or a nightgown and it was off to bed.

    Christmas mornings usually had us opening presents still in our wet diapers and plastic pants and thinking nothing of it.

    Anyone else wear their wet diapers and plastic pants on Christmas morning while opening their presents?




  6. Guest59185

     Me and my sister are twins and our younger sister is 2 years behind us.Both me and my twin sis started wetting the bed at 13,about three quarters the way thru puberty,amd mom used thick cotton training pants and toddler size rubberpants over them on both of us every night at bedtime.Mom would sit on the bed and watch as sis and i put on the training pants then we would put the rubberpants on next and mom always mde sure they covered the training pants.Then,after younger sis turned 12,she started wetting the bed and mom put her into regular cloth diapers and the rubberpants at bedtime.Twin sis and i were 14 at the time she started wetting,and we got into our training pants and rubberpants first,then we helped mom put the cloth diaper and rubberpants on younger sis.Twin sis and i were almost 16 when our wetting stopped,and mom used our rubberpants on younger sis and kept her in the cloth diapers instead of the training pants.Her bedwetting lasted just past 16.

  7. Guest58692

    There were 5 kids in my family,3girls and two brothers,and cloth diapers and super size baby rubberpants were the norm for all of us for bedwetting.Me and my two sisters and one of our brothers were bedwetters and every night we were put into the cloth diapers and rubberpants before bedtime.Our brother stopped his bedwetting at age 12,but me and my two sisters went until we were 14 and 15 and it was hard! 

  8. Guest55944

     I am female and was an only child.I started wetting the bed at age 12 and was imediately put into cloth baby diapers and toddler size rubberpants that i had to wear every night! It was a nightmare at bedtime laying there on my bed and mom bent over me putting the cloth diaper and rubberpants on me,followed by my pajamas.This went on for two and a half years,untill i was 14and a half when my bedwetting finially stopped,but then mom made me wear the rubberpants over panties for another month or so untill she was sure i had stopped for good.

  9. Guest55770

    <p>&nbsp;Yes ,me and my sister were bedwetters,she was a little over a year younger,and mom used regular cloth baby diapers on us with extralarge-super size rubberpants over them on us every night. she put the diapers and rubberpants on us while we laid side by side on my bed.I stopped wetting the bed at 15,but wore the diapers and rubberpants for a couple of months just to be sure.Sis stopped just before her 16th birthday and she wore the diapers and rubberpants also for a couple of months just to make was hard being teen girls and having to wear baby diapers and rubberpants to bed every night!</p>

  10. Guest55770

     Yes ,me and my sister were bedwetters,she was a little over a year younger,and mom used regular cloth baby diapers on us with extralarge-super size rubberpants over them on us every night. she put the diapers and rubberpants on us while we laid side by side on my bed.I stopped wetting the bed at 15,but wore the diapers and rubberpants for a couple of months just to be sure.Sis stopped just before her 16th birthday and she wore the diapers and rubberpants also for a couple of months just to make was hard being teen girls and having to wear baby diapers and rubberpants to bed every night!

  11. Guest55580

     I started bedwetting around 12 and a half,just into puberty and mom used cloth baby diapers and extra large-super size baby rubberpants on me.Every night at bedtime i had to lay on my bed and she pinned the diapers on me then pulled the rubberpants up my legs and over the diapers.On easter,i was put into the diapers and rubberpants under my easter dresses and also for christmas eve and day. I was a flower girl in a wedding when i was 13 and wore the diapers and rubberpants under my flower girl dress also.My bedwetting continued into age 14 and when i was confirmed[8th grade] I had to wear a white poofy dress and veil with lace socks and white shoes and mom put the diapers and rubberpants on me under the dress.I stopped bedwetting just past 15 and was glad to be rid of the diapers and rubberpants!

  12. Guest44607

     Yes,i was put into cloth diapers with diaper pins and extra large super size plastic baby pants when i was 14 for my bedwetting.Every night i had to lay on my bed and mom would baby powder me and then pin the diapers on me then pull the babypants up my legs and over the diapers.When i was confirmed 3 months later,i had to wear a white dress and veil and mom put the diapers and baby pants on me under my dress for the day,then i had to wear them also under my easter dresses and christmas dresses as well.this went on untill i was past 16.

  13. Guest34013

     I was asked very nicely by mom if i would like to try a diaper for my nightly wetting problem. Looking back, she was probibly at the end of her rope. We had done everything to get it under control, Dr, alarm, waking me up twice a night, but I soaked the bed at least 3 times a night. The room smelled and the plastic sheet crinkled. So at age 12 I was put back into cloth diapers. I remember that first week as I was learning to work the diapers and pins, I was numb with embarasment as each night mom would diaper me.   She taught me how to place them pin them and cover them with the crinkly baby pants.  But I came to accept the fact that they DID work. My room started smelling better and I talked my mom into removing the sheet with the agreement that she or my sister must double check that my diapers were on and the baby pants properly covered all of the diapers so we knew the mattress was protected.

    My routine was at 8:30 I layed two prefolds on my bed placing another folded in thirds in the middle. I would lay on it then powder myself. I had Desitin for any sores. Then pulling the diaper up and pining the sides as tight as I could then over by my dresser I would pick out a pair of baby pants. I didnt know they had any other name cause that was what mom always called them. Later on when I learned some people called them plastic, rubber or waterproff pants, it added to my embarisment.  She keep all of my supplies in the bottom dresser drawer. I would pick out and step into them taking extra care to cover all of the diaper.  Then a trip outside my room to find mom or my sister for a check. sometimes they would ask me to lay on the couch or bed to reajust or tighten the diapers. But usually I had to turn around to check that the baby pants covered all of the diapers.   They were always very nice and never teased me.  

    Waking up in a dry bed was the greatest thing. As bad as it was having to wear a diaper, it is ten times better than a wet bed and plastic sheet. I could have friends in my room now and no smell no noisy plastic sheet that screemed BEDWETTER!  

    The wet diapers went in the shower with me. I rinsed the baby pants hanging them on the shower curtain and put the diapers in a pail in the garage near the laundry room. 

    I continued in diapers all through high school.   At one point about 15, I had not wet in two months. Mom said I could stop with the diapers if I could go "a while" being dry. we talked about it an she agreed I could start going without diapers but would have to have a plastic sheet for a year just in case. I told her I would much perfer the diapers and how long would I have to remain dry to not do either diapers or plastic sheet.  She said im afraid a year of dry nights is required so I wont worry about the matteress.  So I decided to keep wearing the diapers. Of course i wond up wetting that very week and countinued to wet once or twice a month. 

    Looking back, it really wasnt that bad and became part of our routine. 









  14. sonny3w
    yes I did well into my teens
  15. Guest122

     Yes i did! i started wetting at 13,just after puberty,and it was horrible! my parents put me into cloth diapers and plastic pants[rubberpants as they called them] every night.I had regular baby diaper pins that the diapers were pinned on me with,baby powder,baby oil,diaper rash ointment.they even bought me the rubberpants in pastel colors and also with babyprints on them since i am a girl.I had one drawer in my dresser with just the diapers and rubberpants and the other stuff in bed time,it was get naked,lay down on my bed and mom rubbed diaper rash ointment on me,then applied the powder,then slid the diapers under me,brought them up and pinned them,then pulled the rubberpants up my legs! i felt just like a baby at bedtime!this went on for three years untill i was about 5 months past my 16th birthday and the wetting stopped! i was so happy to be out of the diapers and rubberpants at night!

  16.  I wore diapers and rubber baby pants also at night before I went to bed. I have to admit I liked diaper time and really enjoyed having a nice thick soft diaper positioned between my legs and then watching silently while my baby sitter or mother slowly snapped a snap side style plastic baby pantie on me. I loved to hear the snaps and the plastic baby pantie rustle as my mother or babysitter rubberpantied me!!!! Now that my plastic baby pantie was in place, I loved how they felt between my thighs and how they rustled every time I moved. I also loved all the babyish colors and prints. When I woke in the morning my wet diaper felt good with my rubber baby panty keeping in the warmth and wetness. During the day I wore a slip on style plastic baby pantie without a diaper because my pee was just a little dribble so I did not need a thick diaper. I loved the feel of the plastic baby pantie against my bottom and how they rubbed and rustled between my thighs and against my peeper!!!  I still love wearing my plastic baby panties as an adult!!!!

  17. I was born in the mid 50's, and was chronic bed wetter till age 14. At home I wored cloth nappies & plastic pants to bed till I was 10, then since I really hated this, I handled it with large weared bath towels over the vynil matress cover (the wet bed did not wake me up). I had too choose between the neighbourhood kids being suspicious when looking at our clothline or the smell in my bed room (anyhow with or without smell impossible to allow my buddies in my bedroom because of the noise when sitting on the bed)

    In the late 60's the first disposable diappers became avalaible, thus when I had to sleep out of home I wored pull-on plastic pants plus several "band type" disposable baby diappers. When it was just a 1or 2 nites out trip, no problem. For longer trips, I worried about the bulky diap pack in my case, and also about whasing and drying the pants. I remember to have turned totally red and mute one morning at a motel  :  my youger brother and I slept in the same room . I was up, showered and dressed and went out to gather ice, but the previous nite wet diappers and plastic pants were laying on the carpet , there was also a small but obvious yellow stain on the open bed... My brother (who had no bedwetting problem) opened to housekeeping. The maid (a black lady) was cleaning  when I stepped back in the room. She looked at me and told "a big lad like you that still bedwets, If I were your father you would experience my belt on your butt"

  18. Yes, my sister and I both wore cloth diapers and plastic pants to bed because we were bedwetters and mom was trying to keep the laundry load down.  So each night after the dinner dishes wer done and put away mom would take y little brother, who wore diapers all the time, my sister and I to the baby's room where she would fold and lay out 3 sets of diapers, get out plasticpants for us and one at a time we went up on the changing table and our undies were taken off and the diapers were positioned under us and pinned and the plastic panties went on.  This went on for awhile until we all stopped bedwetting.

    It was quite usual that we were all wet in the mornings, but our beds would be dry because if the diapers and plastic pants.


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