
Did Your parents ever ask You to turn the stereo up?

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Did Your parents ever ask You to turn the stereo up?




  1. nope tehy awlays tell me to turn it down

  2. lol sadly that never happened

  3. no they always yelled at me to turn it down!  

  4. Strangely enough, no.

  5. Only when they were hacking grandma to death.

  6. Yah, ONCE, cause my mom LOVES to make fun of that song,, But, it was more like: Okay, Im gonna turn this up, *Smiley* why dont you do it for me so I can reach back for the water bottle, (LOL)

    Other than that its:

    TURN IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

  7. yeah if they like the song  

  8. Haha, yes. It was New Years Eve, my mom was drunk and the Spice Girls album was playing... soooo embarrassing!!! everybody was looking at her, but she was having a ball...  

  9. No. I was always told by my step dad to "Turn that s**t off!"

  10. yes actually my mum has always been the worst person in the house for blaring her music.

  11. ypu when they like the song, couldn't reach the k**b, or they did not want to hear each other argues

  12. do you mean if your having s*x under their roof?

  13. Only at like a barbecue.... I've never been told to turn it down though, i put it on really loud and never had a complain from the neighbors, so... *shrug* Louder is better!

  14. Quite rarely.

  15. never, always down

  16. Lol yeh sometimes when they like the song

  17. never

  18. no always down. until they had a drink but it had to be something they like.

  19. they may be having s*x.

  20. Only when i play John

  21. not that i can remember

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