
Did a Battle with a UFO really take place over Los Angeles in 1942 ... ?

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... or was it just a battle with another weather balloon?

"Have you ever heard of the 'Battle of Los Angeles'? Few have. Imagine a visiting spacecraft from another world, or dimension, hovering over a panicked and blacked-out LA in the middle of the night just weeks after Pearl Harbor at the height of WWII fear and paranoia. Imagine how this huge ship, assumed to be some unknown Japanese aircraft, was then attacked as it hung, nearly stationary, over Culver City and Santa Monica by dozens of Army anti-aircraft batteries firing nearly 2,000 rounds of 12 pound, high explosive shells in full view of hundreds of thousands of residents. Imagine all of that and you have an idea of what was the 'Battle of Los Angeles'. "

"Battle Of L.A.", 1942 (UFO over Los Angeles)

1942 'Battle Of Los Angeles' (West Coast News)




  1. do you listen to coast to coast?

    In 1938, an archeological expedition led by Dr. Chi Pu Tei into the Baian-Kara-Ula mountains of China made an astonishing discovery in some caves that had apparently been occupied by some ancient culture. Buried in the dust of ages on the cave floor were hundreds of stone disks. Measuring about nine inches in diameter, each had a circle cut into the center and was etched with a spiral groove, making it look for all the world like some ancient phonograph record some 10,000 to 12,000 years old. The spiral groove, it turns out, is actually composed of tiny hieroglyphics that tell the incredible story of spaceships from some distant world that crash-landed in the mountains. The ships were piloted by people who called themselves the Dropa, and the remains of whose descendents, possibly, were found in the cave.

  2. no that did not happen

  3. The Japanese did some weird experiments with sending bombs on the jet stream and floating them east over the Pacific. One of the bombs landed and killed 4 school children. The others were found later and hurt no one. Who knows? If this "Battle" is true, maybe the Japanese sent over a larger balloon and it didn't descend for some reason.

  4. That battle happened, but theres no evidence it was with a ufo, however it appears that it could have been.

    Bascially, the military base in LA saw things on their radar and thought it might be a japanse raid, so they sounded the air raid siren and started firing wildly into the sky.

    The only damage done was to the city of los Angeles itself and no damaged aircraft were ever found on the ground.

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