
Did a USA TODAY/Miami Herald/Knight Ridder study really PROVE that Bush WON Florida in 2001?

by Guest34357  |  earlier

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Newspapers' recount shows Bush prevailed

By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY




  1. Yeah - everyone knows Bush won, fair and square.  If he hadn't won, he wouldn't be president.

  2. Yes President Bush won. Everyone knows he won.

    But BDS suffering liberals will not accept it.

  3. This is old news.  The election was officially decided in the House of Representatives.  If people had thought about what they were doing when voting, the problem would not have happened.

    One problem was that too many people did not bother to read and follow the instructions, nor did they ask for the help that was available. If they had, there would not have been any confusion about how they intended to vote.

    Another problem was in the Florida panhandle, which is the Central time zone.  The rest of Florida is in the Eastern zone.  When the polls closed in the east, some networks declared Gore as the winner.  There was still an hour left to vote in the panhandle. Many people in the panhandle claimed that they decided not to vote then.  The panhandle was predominantly Republican.  

    Many feel that if the Republicans in the panhandle had ignored the "liberal media", which they claim not to trust, and voted, the statewide tally would have given the win to Bush regardless the Miami result.

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