
Did a ghost use my cell phone last night?

by  |  earlier

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I was passed out on the couch and i was awakened by my bf calling me i pressed ignore because i was trying to sleep

then i got a boicemail from him saying i had called

i checked my outgoing calls and sure enough there was one to him at 2am.

i didnt make the call!!!

he says he answered and the line went dead...what do you think it was or could i have called in my sleep?




  1. Maybe the last thing you did before you passed out was look at your flip phone, maybe checking for any recent calls of messages, and without realizing it maybe you called your bf through your fast dial and then hung up once you closed your phone. That way your bf still would have gotten a call and you might not have realized it.

    Could it have a been a ghost? Well paranormal researchers believe that such activity can draw from electrical devices.

    But jumping on that band wagon would only plausible if this has happened repeatedly without any other explaination. Even then, without some other kind of activity, a ghost would not be high on the list of possibilities.

  2. Can you say "drunk dial"?

    Or perhaps you rolled over on your phone and called him accidentally.  I have a friend who is always calling me (and other friends) because he doesn't lock his Blackberry when he puts it in his pocket.  Some of the messages are really funny.

  3. You were passed out on the couch because you were drunk, right?

    No, it wasn't a ghost.  Ghosts aren't real.

  4. sounds like you may have called him in your sleep.

  5. That is the reason i have a flip phone.

    I have gotten 10 or 11 calls from people who didn't know they were calling. If you press a button for a time it will call somebody. or redial sometimes. So you probably called, by laying on the button. the line wasn't dead you just didn't answer cause you didn't know you called.

    Get  flip phone to stop that from happening.

  6. you called him in your sleep

    do you walk in your sleep as well?

    if so, make sure all doors and windows are locked before you go to sleep and check out a sleep disorder clinic in your area.

  7. Must have been a ghost - a much more reasonable explanation than you rolling over onto your phone or doing it in your sleep!!

  8. Maybe, but it could have just been a glitch in the system...or maybe you could have been "sleep dialing"...did you dream about using a phone?

      Alternatively if this happens again (your bf or anyone) try setting up some cameras that will watch both you and the phone, if you can- put up some EMF meters around the room and make sure you can see them on camera, and if the call happens, then you'd have something to indicate if it was paranormal activity or not. In any case if you don't believe your house is haunted for other reasons this is probably not the work of a ghost, but if you do think your house is haunted, you might try making some EVPs to see if you can contact this ghost or spirit.

  9. You used it. I know I made some calls while I was asleep. The worst part is that I said things and I can't remember them.

  10. that's weird, similar things happen to me, at swim practice, i leave my bag with my phone in it on the deck and nobody touches it, and i have a call history that says i call random people, what's even weirder is that i call people with names that aren't in my contacts! I have a "keyguard" on my phone where u need to press a series of buttons to be able to do anything with it, u can't just use it without meaning to, it's not like just dropping it or pressing random buttons would unlock it. there's definitely something srange here.

  11. Yes, very likely, when you are sleepy and not fully awake and made the call and do not remember calling.

  12. A ghost,demon or other supernatural being is the first thing I'd think of.

  13. I used to have a company phone, can't recall if it was Sprint or Verizon, but every night for some time I had a call from another company phone. There was never anyone on the line when I answered, and the phone that it was coming from was in a box in a shelf in my supervisor's office. No one was in the office when the calls were made. I kind of doubt that my phone was haunted, but it sure was weird.

  14. yea maybe a ghost but nothing to be worried about :)

  15. It could just be something strange in the phone lines. A woman called up my house and said that there were numerous calls to my house and her husband clamied not to know anything about it, so obviousl yshe thought he was cheating. But we hadn't got any calls to our house. So strange things happen with phones!

  16. People do stuff in their sleep, you know.

    But I'm sure that can't be what happened here.  I would say it was either ghosts, fairies or some guy hiding in your attic.

  17. hahah i thought at first u where drunk. But no a ghost could not have done that and many things can happen when u where passed out may be u had called him earlier and he just now saw that you called.

    Many buttons can be pushed

  18. Well, since you said you were "passed out", I would imagine you were intoxicated and don't remember calling him.

    I see your "add" where you say you were sober. Why wouldn't you just say that you were asleep...not passed out?

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