
Did adolf hitler ever visit britain?

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either as a normal citizen or as leader of the german nation, did adolf hitler ever visit the uk,?




  1. Under the name "Hitler" or "Schicklgruber"?

  2. I wouldn't be surprised if he visited in his earlier years, anything is possible. However, I have never heard of any visit to Britain when he was in power.

  3. Gentle Giant -- the battle of Britain bagan in Aug, 1940.

  4. No!

  5. yes he lived in liverpool

  6. There was a play on TV way back in the 1960s about this in which an actor playing the role of Adolf Hitler, came to UK to visit relatives (cousins) here.  I think the play was set sometime in the immediate aftermath of WW-One, early 1920s before Hitler was busy with the n**i Party etc.

    Hitler's Rise to Power - It is also remotely possible Adolf Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. ..... generally breeds political upheaval, and Germany in the 1920s was no exception. ...

    The best ever portrayal of Adolf Hitler in any movie, ever.  Hitler's Final Days in the Bunker - Berlin 1945. . . .

  7. There is nothing in his biographies which indicate that he did.

    He wanted to in 1941 but the Brits disuaded him.

  8. is that a translation for George Bush? he was here last week.....farewell tour.....

  9. Surely not.

    But the question is, who sent Rudolf Hess or did he decide alone to fly to Britain.

  10. yes , via the Luftwaffe most nights in the early 1940's,

    but like the German football team this weekend they Lost in the end. ha ha ha ha bloody  ha.

  11. He didn't personally, but his bombers did.

  12. it is debatable at best, but no valid proof. If you read Mein Kampf you can see a strong admiration he had for the English

  13. According to Monty Python he visited Minehead in the 1930's but in disguise as a Mr.Hilter together with his Travelling Companion Mr.Bimmler.Not sure how accurate that is but you never know.

  14. He was there just the other day as part of his farewell tour.

    He met Gordon Brown.

  15. He tried to - but the RAF disagreed with his travel plans.

  16. He did, in about 1912 (he was around 23) to visit his half-brother Alois.

  17. I'm not sure

  18. Yes,as a poor aspiring artist prior to WW1.Many claim it was for grooming for the future by the elitists as the 3 world wars were planned in 1871.

  19. Well you could argue that he has had a little surgery and is now running the place.

    Lets see; He started off as Chancellor......Gordon Brown?

    He went on to run the country.........Gordon Brown?

    He ran a dictatorship by avoiding elections......Gordon Brown?

    And most worrying of all, he wanted a united europe......................Gordon Brown!!!!!!

    More than a coincidence? I think not!

  20. There are rumours that he lived in Liverpool for a while with one of his cousins, but there has never been any real evidence for this.

  21. didn't he go on holiday to Barry butlings in 1931 with himler and some of the hitler youth

  22. No he didn't. The closest he got was looking at it from the coast of France.

  23. I'm pretty sure he did at one time at least visit the UK. I do know that he actually revered the British in a way because he believed their culture to one of the most racially pure.

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