
Did all the Democrats inflate their egos and their tires before they converged on the convention?

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Id say after reviewing the answers here we have a few deflated egos in our midst !




  1. Haha, this coming from a self-important, business-minded, fear-over-freedom-style conservative... Yeah, you people make me sick... oh, and since when have you Republicans ever cared about black people... Obama won, just ignore him like you would Wesley Snipes, lol.

  2. Obama and America is the future. Democrats will defeat the Republicans from here on out.

  3. know they did

  4. Their egos cannot grow any larger. And they probably didn't use cars to get to the convention. They rode the hope-and-change-mobile. It runs on hot air, or so I've been told

  5. Talk about global warming - there's enough hot air in Denver tonight to carry us through to next spring.

  6. Yes they borrowed the inflate pump from the Republicans.. The Rep. are still trying to inflate some brains and youth in their choice for the Presidency hoping all the excitement doesn't keep him up too late.

  7. LMAO tell me about it

  8. I don't think they need to inflate there egos they've got big egos, and I don't think they know how to inflate tires. lol

  9. ego yes tires probably not , they gas up their SUV 's with tax payers money no need to go easy on the fuel .

  10. They and the Repubs laughed at people on YA.

  11. Don't worry, there will be enough hot air left over for the GOP when it's their turn

  12. d**n you republicans are jealous that we are finally going to win this year. My god, all you do is ****** complain about how poor you are and how much you care about Iraq when you don't give a **** about Iraq and you are not poor. You discriminate against g**s, half of you are ignorant racist and all you care about is your self. I hope taxes are highered so we can help out the lower class. It pisses me off when I here AMERICANS  complaining about money. Most people in the world live under a dollar a day. If we stay out of war long enough and get the national debt better than we can help out those people. Here is another good one, you don't give **** about Iraq. They only have a population of about 20 million. That is not big at all. And yet they have not changed. Some way I guess but we did what we are supposed to do. Then you won't give rights to g*y people. What the **** did they do to you you racist b******s. Then you guys are ****** control freaks and are against abortion. I would never ever have an abortion but it should be the mothers choice and not the governments which is corrupt. If she cannot raise the baby to a full potential and she does not have the will or the money than she doesn't need to do it. Jesus will decide if she goes to h**l or heaven. Then you talk about off shore drilling. Did you know that off shore drilling will change price by about 2 pennies and it won't come into effect for about 10 years. It is useless. Then after being closed minded you talk about how good it is fighting terrorist, WTF, we cant fight terrorist. We don't know who they are, where they are, and when they are going to attack. Middle east is a big place and the troops are not playing hide and seek. Also being in the midle east will not stop them from attacking us. Bin Laden attacked us because we were in Isreal. GET OUT OF ISREAL AND THE MIDDLE EAST. If a powerul man that has been terrorist friends doesn't want us there than DON'T. You guys are so ****** closed minded and the only reason you vote republican is because you want to be filthy rich and because you parents did the same thing.  

  13. Just the tires.  They had to let some air out of their heads in order to fit through the convention room doors.

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