
Did all you Republicans enjoy your Socialist/Communist Holiday - Labor Day?

by Guest56954  |  earlier

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That fine old American tradition started with the leftist movements of the 20s - the kind of people McCarthy was later on putting in jail for their political affiliations.

Did you enjoy it?




  1. Yeah we was celebrating on the upcoming whipping of you socialist/communist delegate Barak Barry Obama's tail!

  2. Actually no, I worked on the holiday. You have to remember that in the 20s nearly every political movement had some sort of legitimacy, Even fascism had its proponents.

  3. Heck

    Days off of work only came about cause of those liberal communist unions.

    Dirty buggers.


  4. Labor Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the first Monday in September. The holiday originated in 1882 as the Central Labor Union (of New York City) sought to create "a day off for the working citizens".

    Congress made Labor Day a federal holiday on June 28, 1894,[1] two months after the May Day Riots of 1894. All fifty states have made Labor Day a state holiday.

  5. Very much so,  now we are ready to make sure the mulism monster go's back home, to where ever he crawled from.

  6. Yep I went around an randomly pummeled some socialist! Luckily I live in NYC , they are easy to find!!

  7. So what? We should all go to work? Frankly, I never enjoy Labor Day. It's the end of summer and the start of school. Even though I'm not teaching now, I still have the feeling of having to go back. Sorry to disappoint.

    Ohhh...and you know who was one of McCarthy's right hand men? Bobby Kennedy. That's right! He helped put those people in jail. Look it up.

  8. So, only Republicans celebrate Labor Day?

    Labor Day is a huge union holiday. Unions (full of Democrats) are the definition of socialism. The unions spend the vast majority of their campaign contributions on Democrats.

    Did you choose to go to work yesterday, or did you stay home and take the free money?


  9. Did you enjoy it?  And did every other American taking that day off enjoy, I know everybody in my office stayed home yesterday, no matter what their political beliefs...

    I for one spent it doing a lot of work, so no, I didn't enjoy it, but it was getting work done at home rather than in the office.

    And answerer number 1 is correct, it was created by the unions, which are totally run by Dem's.

  10. 1.  you don't know what you're talking about.

    2.  The "labor movement" (at the time) was exactly what was NEEDED in America.

    3.  The world has changed and TODAY, the VAST MAJORITY of labor unions do more HARM than good

    4.  Liberals show again how incapable they are of looking at the "big picture".

  11. Tell you what, I'll work on Labor Day if you bunch of communists work on Columbus Day, Veterans' Day, Christmas, President's Day, Memorial Day, and Independence Day and any of those other patriotic or religious holidays.

  12. I actually had to work a half a day.  When you work 50-60 hours a week one day does not matter.

  13. Labor Day is all sorts of backwards. We should work that day and get the rest of the year off or rename it to Vacation Day.

  14. Actually the holiday did not begin in 20's as you purport. The first Labor Day was celebrated in 1882. It was recognized as an official United States holiday by the Congress in 1894. While the holiday was championed by Unions there is no indication of a socialist bent to the legislation, but was rather to meant to recognize contributions made to the country by the "working man" and was originally titled a "workingmen's holiday". Your facts are incorrect as are your assumptions and yes I did enjoy my holiday.

  15. I am not a Republican, but yes...I did enjoy my labor day.  Thanks for asking.

  16. I fully support any holiday that allows me to watch the news w/ Sarah Palin's face on it.

    She is stunningly beautious!

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