
Did an Army doctor confirm Rush Limbaugh's reason for being excused from military duty?

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During the Vietnam war, it was a common draft-dodging tactic to find an anti-war doctor who, for a few bucks, would find something wrong with you and so qualify you for a 4F (physically unfit for service).

Did Limbaugh use one of these docs or did a government doctor actually confirm that he was unfit for service?




  1. Rush was declared 4-F during a draft physical.  Just to set the record straight, non-military doctors' diagnosis were not used to determine physical fitness for military duty.  Many doctors did however make extra cash by "selling" diagnosis.

  2. I appreciate your concern about the well being of Rush's gluteous maxi-mus.  God bless you and Rush Limbaugh.

  3. I thought he had an anal fissure...or something

  4. No. It would have been his own personal doctor who would have written a statement claiming his butt cyst. More details:

  5. Limbaugh is a dodger. Bush was a deserter.

  6. I really don't see how a cyst on your fat @ss could get a government doctor to excuse you.

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