
Did ancient egypt have the wheel to help build the pyramids or did that come later.?

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Did ancient egypt have the wheel to help build the pyramids or did that come later.?




  1. They had wheels, but not iron tires. No wheels in use at the time could have supported the weight of the Pyramid blocks. If they rolled the blocks on anything, it would have to been solid rollers

  2. the wheel was definitely around before the ancient egyptian civilization. the builders used rolling logs to move huge blocks up steep inclines which is a form of wheel. also, they egyptians had a military that rode in chariots (which have wheels).

  3. That depends upon which pyramids you're talking about.  If, as I suspect, you're talking about the ones at Giza, and several other large stone pyramids which were built during the Old Kingdom, then no, they did not have wheeled vehicles.  And no, contrary to the assertions of several here, who have gotten too much of their history from movies, the Old Kingdom Egyptians did not roll stones on logs.  For one thing, there are few trees in Egypt, and of those even fewer would have been adequate for this task.  Further, since the average stone in the Great Pyramid weighs 2.5 tons, any logs small enough to be man-handled into position to form a continuous rolling surface would have been quickly ground to dust.

    Certainly by the time of the New Kingdom, when some of the more poorly-constructed pyramids were built, mostly of mud brick, the Egyptians had wheeled vehicles.  It is during this time that the chariots mentioned by one respondent here would have appeared.  This is the supposed period of the Exodus, when Pharaoh's charioteers were drowned in the Red Sea, blah, blah, blah.

    At any rate, the Old Kingdom Egyptians are supposed to have used sledges, sort of like sleds, to drag the stones from the quarries and up ramps to their place in the pyramid.      

  4. it came later

  5. yes

  6. I think the wheel was around but they just took logs and put them under the stone blocks to role them. They then just dragged them up a ramp to the place were they were set.

  7. i think the wheel came around that time but in a different part of the world

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