
Did any of you find breaking dawn boring?

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I mean on some parts but not the whole book. because right now i am trying to finish it and I just cant. I loved jacobs POV but after that it sucked. It got so boring to me right now I am around page 600... im just curious did any of you find it boring? And dissapointed? I am sure dissapointed by the book. The fact that jacob imprinted on bellas daughter disturbed me. Plus imprinitng just destroyed his character. he is not the funny sarcastic loving jake anymore... Not just him but bella and edward and everything... I think its poorly developed. And I know there wont be a fight either by the volturi. I hate it how meyer just gives jacob the crappy side of the story.




  1. well i can understand your pov but personally i loved the book. i thought it was wonderful at some points and then just plain disapointing in others. she set us up for big fights and then boom! its gone... but i still liked it :)

  2. I didn't find it "boring" but I was definitely disappointed.  I like Jacob a lot too and was kind of pissed that Bella and Edward wound up together... I don't like the message of it's okay to give up everything else for a guy.  I realize she was able to stay in contact with Jacob and Charlie but she didn't think she was going to be able to and to me, that makes Edward a bad choice.  

    I was also a bit frustrated by the "fight" scene... although I really think that she was just trying to leave a rather huge opening for book #5.

  3. yeah kind of, i spaced out times whenever i read the book.

    sometimes i wait 2 days and start to get back to reading the book.

    it did kind of suck, but i thought the ending was sooo cute :)

    i hate the fact that everything was about reneseme (dont hate lol)

    like it kind of got annoying. i wanted more edward and bella like the 1st book. And its wierd how she had jacob one of the best main characters and then with the imprinting thing it was like "WOO too blah" for me.but overall i think the twilight saga is by far the best.

    the host is really good too!

  4. I've read the whole series because my heart liked it, not my brain. Let me explain. The whole Twilight Saga is poorly written but it is intriguing. I mean, wouldn't you be scared that Edward is a super stalker? Oh, and Edward is also to Byronic--in other words, he's way too heroic and unrealistic.

    Breaking Dawn kind of disappointed me, but I still was interested. I had lots of questions like what the h**l happens with Renee? Charlie knows so what about her? Oh, and Jacob isn't immortal so what's going to happen when he dies and Renesmee survives?

    And Bella was nothing like herself or relatable at all when she became a vampire.

    The reason people liked the Twilight series was because of the weird love story and because Stephenie Meyer is pretty good at capturing human moments and suspense. But her  books are definitely lower quality than the Harry Potter books. There are many loopholes in the plot.  

  5. No!  

  6. no way i have read it 3 times

  7. I thought it was a good book, but not the best out of the series. I loved Jacob's POV too. It helped me understand Jacob more. I don't really like the some of the "love" scenes. I think the whole book was like a big soap opera. lol! I think my fav out of the series, is Twilight. Edward isn't so mysterious anymore in Breaking Dawn. That's probably the whole reason why people love him so much. That's why I like Twilight. I think that the plot in Breaking Dawn, was kinda weird. I LOVE Renesmee though. She's such a cute little half vampire, half human. I think that they should have killed the Voultri though. That sucked! They talked it out instead of killing them!? I hated that part!

  8. nope not at all

  9. Yes, it was very anticlimactic.

  10. Yes, I barely finished it. It was too long and nothing significant enough happened.  

  11. i did like the book

    but i know exactly what you mean

    the whole jacob imprinting on renessme thing was just weird

    & i too realized that he changed a lot

    he wasnt the same goofy jacob and tht pissed me off

    please help:;...

  12. i did at some parts...but i still like it a lot

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