
Did any of you find it very hard to focus on anything but baby in your last weeks of pregnancy?

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Did any of you find it very hard to focus on anything but baby in your last weeks of pregnancy?




  1. YES!

    what mother doesn't think about that

    anyways why don't you just have a yourself day

    go do stuff that your not going to be able to do when the baby gets here.

    have s*x with your hubby because when that baby gets here for the 1st couple of months there wont be any...just kidding but seriously do something for yourself...

  2. This sounds bad, but I couldn't think about the baby. I had too much other stuff stressing out. Like money, not being ready,we forgot to this or that.  I was a mess in the last weeks, but all was good when they arrived.

  3. Yes off course. Last couple of weeks of pregnancy we nest. making sure baby got everything that he/she needs.  

  4. That's all I thought about the last months of mine. I packed & repacked his diaper bag, hospital bags, & rearranged his room at least 50 times. I never really cleaned I just rearranged everything over & over or I folded his clothes thousands of times.

  5. i was so happy to be pregnant i found it hard to focus on anything the whole time but the last few weeks were definately the hardest because i was so ready to meet him and know who he would look like and if he would have hair(he doesnt). its such an amazing experience

  6. No its kinda hard when you can't sleep and have bad gastric reflux and u feel the baby kicking.I spent my last 3 weeks of pregnancy thinking about my baby all the time!!

  7. No and it will be totally different after the baby is born also! lol. duh. You might be having an easier time with pregnancy then some of us did. I felt like I was carrying 100 extra pounds with me. (well not 100 but u know) and the kicking and going to the bathroom, and wondering how labor will be, getting her room ready, all I thought about was her!

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