
Did any of you give birth on your due date?

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Did any of you give birth on your due date?




  1. yes my daughter was born on her due date (april 8th 2003)

    but my son unsurprisingly was 1 week late (july 16th 2006)

  2. I didn't I was a week over. My sister has 4 kids, only one hit the due date.

  3. all four of mine were late but they were males    so what can yu expect

  4. yes i was induced the day before i was due and baby was born on due date

  5. My mother had me 1 month earlier,my brother 3 days earlier,my other brother 1 week late

  6. i didn't i was induced with my first so i had my baby 4 wks early my 2nd baby was a week late and my third baby was a week early .

  7. I've never even delivered the same month I was due or made it past 37 weeks. All were healthy though thankfully : )  

  8. yeah it was fantastic

  9. no, Most often you won't because its just and estimated date, because there is no real way to tell what day you got pregnant and that is just to help now about when you are going to have the baby.

  10. i was born on my due date 27th of jan bout 12:30

  11. Nope, my first came 6 days early and arrived on my birthday. Not the most fun way to spend one's birthday LOL

  12. no.  Seven days early.

  13. my mom did to my brother October 24


  14. no one was 5 days late and one was 1 week and a half early

  15. NO

    My 1st son was 2 days late and my 2nd son was induced/born at 13 days late!!

  16. My wife did. My son was born on my birthday. The bun came out of the oven safely but the cake got burnt!

  17. No, I didn't. I believe that when it is time for the baby to come, the baby will come. Your due date is just a time frame to when your baby is expected to come.  

  18. nope. i gave birth to my daughter a week early.

  19. Yes I did with my 1st . I'm due with my 2nd on 9/10 and hope the same will happen :)

  20. nope 14days late but well worth the wait!! x

  21. my mom had me 22 days early, my little brother 10 days early, and my little sister 8 days early.

    A lot of people don't have their babies on the due date, they can be early, they can be late, or occasionally they can be born on the exect due date.

  22. nope my son was 1 day early my daugther 3 days lol but i was happy

  23. no

  24. no, cause you're like zero days old!

  25. All 4 of my kids were atleast 2 weeks early.  thx

  26. My daughter narrowly missed her due date by 4 minutes!

    It's actually very rare for someone to give birth on their due date, only 5% of all births will do it.

  27. She certainly did. Both times

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