
Did any of you men go fishing this weekend??

by  |  earlier

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If so, what did you catch?




  1. Had been to the weekly vegetable market; crowded as usual with women and children; and as usual was distracted by luvly girls. Suddenly one lass reached over to my side, and in the process I managed to let go my basket with the money <coins> inside it. A frantic attempt to "fish" them, amongst the multitude of legs, ended up in securing almost half of my money with the good fortune of being rubbed by a dozen lovely legs!!!

    So that was my fishing for the past weekend.


  2. I went fishing for about two hours before church this morning in the lake across the street. I caught about three of four bass and brim, but the biggest was only about 2-3lbs so we threw them back.

  3. No, unfortunatelyl Had a workday at the deer camp. But your 72 percent of correct answers in the field of marriage and divorce, would make you a good catch!

  4. not fishing but diving. got 5 lobsters and 1 snapper.

  5. No, but i think i might be fishing tomorrow, the trout are starting to hit dries only here so that's all I'm taking, and lots of gink to keep them afloat, i had a nice brown of about 4lb a few weeks ago, let it go and that's a good size considering it wasn't a stocked fish, wild only around here.

  6. Yes, I caught a beautiful Mermaid and did not want to let her go...;-)

  7. On friday i was searching for good spots for the fishing derby saturday.I caught a nice 2 pound smallmouth.On the fishing derby saturday I caught 2 nice bass one of them won biggest bass.A huge pike followed my lure out of a dead tree that was 40 inch+.On sunday fished one spot with worms,minnows,and crayfish.Caught a bunch of huge bass,including my biggest smallmouth 4 pounds 17 inches.None of the bass were smmaller then 2 1/2 pounds.Also caught a nice pike about 28 inches 6-7 pounds.So it was a great fishing weekend.  

  8. On Friday I caught 3,200 LBS of fish within 2 hours.  I wasn't able to get an accurate count on the # of fish, But I would guess there were about 1800-2000. Sadly though, it wasn't fishing for pleasure, it was my job, I own a catfish farm.

  9. Why do men have to be the only ones who fished this weekend? I went fishing this weekend too. My husband and I went Saturday evening from about 6pm to 8pm and also when Sunday afternoon at 2:30pm while it was raining and stayed until about 6:30pm. We wanted to fish those mornings, but my hubby woke up sick Saturday morning, and we both overslept Sunday morning, so the afternoons & evenings were all we had. Between both of those days we only pulled out one fish and it was a Alligator Gar, so we weren't too pleased.

    I did manage to play slip and slide down the muddy river bank Sunday though. Landed about two feet from the water and got covered in On top of that Saturday evening my spin-cast reel screwed up on the first cast, so I didn't get to fish with mine that day (my husband and I had to share his spinning reel). Luckily, that gave me an excuse to get the baitcasting reel I've been wanting, and I love it.

    All in all it was an on and off weekend as far as fishing is concerned, but at least we had time to get out on the lake, and we ALWAYS enjoy that. I'll just be glad when I learn how to cast my new baitcaster as far as I could my spin-caster without getting bird-nests. Just have to keep practicing.

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