
Did any of your pet's have fancy names?

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I'm usually too terrified to post Q's in C/E but I feel a very strong compulsion concerning this matter....

Our most beloved Joanne C and KatKat have admitted to having hamsters/Guinea pigs called..ahem..HAMMOND (kk) and CARLTON (Jo);_ylt=ApbPZD_R1vLcb3vnkJpWRj8hBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080806103748AAFazkR&show=7#profile-info-IWwgUohAaa

I am beside myself with glee....

My hamster was called Beryl and then Bob when we realised it was a boy, but then I am from Liverpool and not the Aristocratic Hampshire...

Any pets called Clarkson or London Weekend Telly out there???




  1. I am from hampshire lol my hamster is called lucy. i used to have cats mo blade texas nashville luarell and hardy they all got old  .my mums dog is called Julie which i think is posh for a dog.

  2. My cat's name is Rosalyn Ann. I don't think that's really fancy, but it fits my little baby! ;)

    Ta ta,


  3. I had a Dog called s*x-machine,  but it was more of a Job than a Name.............

  4. cromwell

  5. i had a dog called Jebady Spice

  6. nope. my pets are Tigger, Gizmo, Buddy, and Ty. Although my mom had a cat called Delshia, and a dog Gilligan

  7. I have a dog named Florence?

  8. I had a hamster called Sheila and I now have imaginary Chihuahua who wears a pink tutu called Dad

  9. My American Pit Bull Terrier is named Squeaky after Squeaky Fromme

  10. Hi Haz,

    I had 2 rabbits when I was about 3 years old. They lived in a hutch in my grandma's back yard.  Their names were Bonny and Beauty, they were twins, both black and white.

    Well I loved those little rabbits, my youngest auntie and I would put old coats on the yard flags and sit there let them run about and play with them..

    Well one day my uncle John came home on leave from the airforce.  This was during the last year of WWII.  He was skint so he nicked my rabbits and took them to the pub and raffled them off.

    He sold loads of tickets.  Meat was scarce then and I never saw Bonny and Beauty again.

    My mum told me that they had gone on their holidays and I can still see, in my minds eye, my 3 year old image of seeing those two rabbits with their buckets and spades waiting for the bus that took them to the station.

    I know you, so don't get blubbing over this story cos I'm over it now. LOL

    Cute names though weren't they?  XX

  11. I have a chihuahua named Peewee and a Doberman named Missy.  

  12. my first 3 gerbils were called snowy, dusty and woody

    my hamster was shade

    my cats were tabitha, mr. scuffles, squirrel and geoffrey

    my frogs were emma and bread

    my other hamster was scamp

    my other gerbils were tula, rose and mopsy.

    all my fish were called bob

    my rabbits are playboy, holiday and crabbit

    my guinea pigs were theadore, claus and spider guinea pig.

  13. I dont have a PET :(

  14. haha well one of my cats names is Pepito because when I was little I used to love Madeline and the other is Noel because we got her near Christmas. I dont know if those are fancy or not....

  15. The dog I had years ago was called Meg after she died I got another one her Pedigree name was Molly Millandra only I called her Gem backwards for Meg, my daughter's school hamster was called Bum Fluff.

  16. albert pussywinks III

  17. My chihuahua's name is Buccaneer Beausoleil .  I had a budgie thatliked to bite so I named him Bix Biterbeak.

  18. nah mine are boring

    I'm back to 3 dogs at the moment and they are Meeka, Loki, and Nooks

    and Baby the cat

    omg I forgot Summer, make that 4 dogs

    I'm a bad owner

  19. I had a Dalmation named Tipper. The dog I have now is named Carmen.

  20. I have stuffed dogs named Maxwell Peter and Johnny Alexander. XD

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