
Did any one else in europe ...?

by  |  earlier

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get offend when this guy was on about interracial dating and how 'us' europeans' don't like it in our culture. He also kept slagging off America.

I mean yeahh I'm european, but I don't mind it. And I got really quite upset (I dunno, I just think I'm sensitive) when he said that 'we europeans just don't like it'.

Read the whole thing here:;_ylt=AsKGTpOkmvZWOjuyjGHFBJl67hR.;_ylv=3?qid=20080714181631AA17dZZ

PS . It's in the adolescent bit coz his was in the adolescent bit.




  1. well he's trying to speak for all europeans.

    which isn't fair but everyone has the right to there own opinions.

  2. Yeah...I just read it and it IS very offensive! I'm European but but Dad is half Canadian, so I have some of that in me. I don't see what the problem with it is. We're all human, the country we come from doesn't make a difference. If that was the case nobody would be unique.

  3. That's one big load of bullsh*t.

  4. I just want to shake him.

  5. America does have interracial marriages though, it's common. So why would he say Americans don't like it/do it when we do?

    PS - I LOVE her answer.

  6. Well, I'm Polish (Poland=Europe)

    I did get a bit offenced, because there are actually many people that don't mind...

  7. Wow, I just read the best answer, and just had to leave before I got too angry :P

    Ignore ignorant stupid people like that, hopefully they will just die out lonely or something. Who cares which race is which, its the PERSON that matters. We are all individual.

    Btw I'm aussie :D

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