
Did any one else tear up when W spoke?

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I for one had a tear in my eye after W spoke, I realized that, that might have been one of his last speeches to the public. That tear was a tear of hope and happiness that his term is nearing its end!!!




  1. I teared up too.  My eyes were so dry from watching that mess, I made myself cry.

  2. I tear up every time that I realize that his finger is on the button.

    Honey, we all do.

  3. Yes, I did. (But I was cutting onions at the time.)

  4. you know ...... your right.

  5. W will go down in history as a great man.

  6. LMAO!!!!!

  7. hhaha...good for you!

  8. I hate to see him go but after 8 years of dealing with liberal idiots he deserves his retirement. I can see him in an interview in a couple of years talking about how handling the war was easy compared to dealing with an element of American society h**l bent on destroying the country. I do have confidence in McCain and Ms. Palin and I can see Ms. Palin the first female President of the country.

  9. I sneezed.  I think I'm allergic.

  10. Oily,it is not easy to understand you,but my answer is:"The only "Tear" I would shed is the one that would come if McCain-Palin would give us another four more years of W,enough-is-enough WAKE-UP-VOTERS!!!

  11. LMAO--You are awesome!!!  I'll take your word for it--I can't stomach listening to him anymore he makes my head hurt.

  12. Cry me a river!

    I'm sure Karl Rove got some more tears coming your way.

  13. There is a saying "You get the government you deserve" Well any country that votes for George W twice will surely vote for McCain.

  14. I couldn't even WATCH that fool speak.

    I'll admit he doesn't seem as BAD now because I KNOW he's leaving soon!


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