
Did any one feel the earthquake on tuesday july 29,2008?

by  |  earlier

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Tell me if u did and how it felt!




  1. yeah **** i was with my dad in commerce even though i live in baldwin park well he res the story : my mom ,brothers . and i were waiting for my dad in our van my bother kept jumping up and down in the van so the van kept moving and then my mom told him to stop and he did so after she said that's when the earthquake  hit it was so funny CZ then my mom looked at him and he wasn't moving CZ she thought it was him but it wasn't so then she looked outside and there was a van in back of us and it was moving to so 5 seconds later they evacuated every body out of the building yeah this the one Ive been awake on...

  2. yup felt it! Im in Carlsbad in one of the malls and the floor was bouncing pretty well and the planters were tipping.

  3. i didn't. im in northern cali though

  4. i felt it, everything shook i heard things shaking off shelves but it was ok

  5. I was on my bed watching tv then i felt it shake and my dog ran to the door and when i opened the door and looked out the window all i saw was my house moving side to side


  6. It scared the c**p out of me!  I've lived in the Los Feliz, CA area for 3 years now and this one scared me the most.  All of my cabinet kitchen doors opened..lamps and wall hangings shook.  I could literally see my walls sway.  The others only put wrinkles in the carpet...this one seemed like it lasted forever...then felt a few aftershocks.

    Proving once again...Mother EARTH should be respected & protected.

    p.s. Per a few world known psychics if extra terrestrials show themselves in 2010 (2 years from now) where the govt. can't hide it anymore...I'm getting the heck out of California...cause the psychics also predict that around 2025 Cali goes under and so does part of Florida & Atlantis resurfaces & a new part of Hawaii comes above the water!!!

    Read: Sylvia Browne's psychic predictions.

    Love & Light! xoxo

  7. I felt it a little in newport beach. I was getting ready to get in the shower....when suddenly I thought I heard a rumbly noise. Then the ground moved for a second or two. Lol! I skipped the shower, sat on my bed, grabbed my laptop and used the internet. Nothing was amiss but, the cracks that were already in the wall are getting larger. Lol!

  8. canada's horsey is bucking!

  9. Yep, I felt it, thought it was a big truck, then realized it wasn't, stood still trying to figure out which door way to stand in. By the time I figured it out it was over lol.

    Northridge, CA

  10. yes! i did....

    my finger got cut because i was picking up glass off of the floor....but everyone is ok over here...

  11. Yes, it was great. I love earthquakes! Just a couple of bumps and a good roll! I'm about 40 miles from the epicenter!!

  12. I felt was soooooo fun my mom pulled my baby sister out of the shower ond we stood in the doorway for safety


  13. I was watching "A Haunting" and there was a part where a clarevoyant was confronting a ghost, and she kept saying "SHOW YOURSELF...MAKE ME LEAVE" if my nerves weren't already tense, the mothereffin earthquake hit my house with so much force that everything not attached to the walls, crashed to the ground and the dog booked it out of the house. My roommates were talking, and one said something along the lines of "Usually by the time you process that it's an earthquake, it's already over. During this one, we all were able to not only swallow what was happening but figured out various ways we couldve died. What does that tell you." It was ridiculous, because usually its a declining feeling: high shock, then simmers down. You could feel this one progress to its peak, then recede {I was 4-5 miles away from, the origin of the quake}. Being able to watch the walls move even after the rumbling stopped made it all the better. Apparently, it was a 5.4

  14. yep

    i felt it

    i'm scareed... hold me!!!

    livin in cali you would think ur used to em

    uh! h**l no!!

  15. California did.

  16. Yeppers(:

    I felt it. I was laying in my bed and all te sudden i see my bed shaking, then my whole house is moving side to side. and so far there has been 37 aftershocks that I have felt. They said on the news that this 5.4 earthquake aws a miny one and that in 24 hours there could be a bigger one. so look out and keep safe!

  17. yep, woke me outta my sleep.

  18. Nope, quiet as can be on the Great Canadian Shield.

  19. yes i felt it....but i stood still until my shower doors started

  20. I felt it, it was fun but little scary. It was my first time

  21. Yes, My toilet backed up,my dog went nuts,my patio has slite damage. OMG what a day

  22. felt here in ontario which is a city or two away..............everyone out of the building ......was a solid jolt then roll

  23. Yes, I'm in San Diego.

  24. Oh yes, Im sure everyone in Ontario felt it as well! Where i live it's a two story place i was on the second story i thought it was going to fall over! Someone I know works in an auto shop right next to Chino they said that an engine that was on the rafters had fallen down. They said it was 5.8 at first then it went down to a 5.4 I thought it should have went up! Glad everyone is okay though!

  25. Haha I did and it had the craziest timing. I was watching Ocean's 13 on TV and they were are the part where they were faking the earthquake for the casino. Next thing I know my whole apartment was shaking simultaneously with the movie. LOL!

    It wasn't bad since I was in Irvine, which is an hour away, but it felt pretty unreal too. I haven't really ever been awake during an earthquake.

  26. yea! i did.

  27. i did and it was fun i was in bed and my little dog got scared and my big dog went under the RV i own

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