
Did any one notice .... ?

by  |  earlier

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When Batista and John Cena were brawling and all the security came out, did any one notice John Cena trip.

WQ : Who's mask did you except to come out of Kane's Bag ?




  1. yes

  2. Yeah!!!!!I cracked up laughing, I was like they're not even fighting they were just touching each other and then falling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WQ: At first his old mask but when he said it wasn't his own I thought it was Undertaker's old phantom mask.


  4. yes and my brother did say it was going to be rey mysterio's mask  

  5. I saw.

    WQ: Kane's mask. When he said it wasn't his, honestly the only mask that came to mind was the one Mankind had. . .[stupid idea, I know, lol.]  

  6. missed that one.

  7. HaHa yea. I saw that. It was funny.

    WQ: I thought it was his old mask

  8. no,

    i wasnt expecting any mask

  9. yeah I'm surprised I did cause seeing cena and batista practically 24/7 nearly made me pass out. The only reason I watched Raw was to see what was in Kanes bag and to see if wwe mentioned Randy's injury.

    I expected Kanes but does this mean were going to have to go through a little man overcoming the odds again. I swear if Rey beats Kane that would be the final straw for me

  10. 1. Ya i forgot i did ntill i really thought it over!!!!

    WQ. I didnt no what it waz but when he said mask i said 2 myself "For some reason it would b funny 2 c Reys mask be in there" I guess i waz right

  11. Yes IMAO

    Kane's mask

    Sorry Kane fooled y'all.

  12. I didn't notice and about the mask I really thought Kane's mask was in the bag and even when he said it wasn't his mask I thought it would be Mankind's mask for some reason.

  13. no

  14. I didn't see it because when kane showed his bag to the fans which was actually mysterios I turned my tv off.

    WQ: I was expecting his. That angle made no sense whats so ever but thats my opinion.

  15. really? LOL! i dont think i did.

    wq: right before he said but its not my mask, i was like, its rey's!!

  16. i LMAO'ed

    wq: kanes mask duh!

  17. lol

  18. no but i heard about it

    well i thought it was his mask first but when he said it was someone elses I thought mankind

  19. His own.

  20. He did? I didn't notice.

    WQ: I expected his. But I bet it's a joke. He switched the bags.

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