
Did any other cruise ship sink besides the titanic?

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  1. yes, one sank in antartica this morning, this makes 23 sinkings of cruise ships or passenger ferries worldwide since 1979

  2. Eh, Yes!!!!!!


  3. there was one that just recently sank.. off the coast of antarctica

  4. There have been a number of cruise ships that sank... The Lusitania was a cruise ship. The Harold of Free Enterprise sank about 20 years ago and there was that one off the Italian coast a few years ago... there have been more... I just don't remember them.  It IS uncommon but it does happen

  5. yea


  6. google search "Empress of Ireland" ( greater loss of life than Titanic) and "Andrea Doria" and "Prindsendam"  just off the top of my head........

  7. yes **** loads of ships sink every year and a lots of them are cruies ships

  8. A Canadian cruise ship just sunk off the coast of Antarctica yesterday.

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