
Did any other girl ever kick a guy in the balls with pointed high heel shoes?

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Last night I had a big fight with my boy friend and I gave him a really hard, powerful frontal kick with my pointed high heel shoes hitting him dead square in the balls!!! I played soccer for ten years so I have a very powerful kick. He was on the floor crying for 20 minutes, and it took him another 20 minutes just to get up.




  1. Anil Asundi, you belong in jail

  2. Sorry for the typo  chin is Shin

  3. Im a girl and in 70s in college my room mate wore gogo boots with metal cleats called taps on both the heels and toes.  She was always flirting with the jocks and I thought the cleats was to be s**y and get laid - true every night, but one night at the bars a drunk guy was bothering her and she showed him her toe cleats and said one more time and you will find out what these are for.  He pushed her again so she kicked him in the chin with her boot metal toe cleat and when he bent over in pain reaching for his chin she kneed him in the balls. Needless to say I put metal cleats on my boot toes and never had a guy give me trouble.  I guess the word got around campus not to mess with girls with metal toe cleats.

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