
Did anybody else burst out laughung when they heard about the three Cork women who were arrested in Dublin?

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after buying drugs and then getting lost and not able to find their way out of Dublin?




  1. I was genuinely expecting this to be a joke. I never heard about it at all - how mortifying!

  2. LMAO, i love the little stories like that.

    another example of stupidity and bad luck I was reading about was the story of 3 guys who vandalised a life from the inside. they did such a good job of wrecking the place, the doors stopped working and detained them until the police got there the next day....

  3. imagine, and Dublin airport, not even near a road to Cork...should've got the train

  4. Dem droogs ....

  5. Hadn't heard about it, but sounds funny.

  6. My favourite is the one who went along "for the drive". Like you do......!

  7. HA HA muppets or what

  8. haha! ..Must of been good stuff...!

  9. eejits I think is the word your looking for!!!

  10. Could not stop laughing.. how do you end up on the road to the north when you are going to cork surely the fact that they did not come through theM50 toll bridge when they arrived in dublin and had to pass through it getting out of dublin would have set off some alarm bells. also the lack of signs for cork and the plethera of signs for belfast, the airport ect that are all indicators that you are heading north. Women + maps +cars. how do three people agree or not notice they are going the wrong way.

  11. haha-it's stories like that which give the irish a bad name! lol

  12. "They collected the drugs in Dublin city centre but got lost on the way home and were stopped near Dublin Airport by gardaí who found the cannabis in the boot of the car."

    Hmmmm they really got lost. How the heck can you get to Cork by going North?!!!!!!!!

  13. is there a report id love to see it.

    it would be good to send to my Friends form cork

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