
Did anybody feel quite nervous before getting married?

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There is a lot that factors in. My fiance and I are dead set on being married. We haven't dated very long and plan to be married in two weeks. My parents are not exactly thrilled, although his family is fine with the decision. We are extremely in love, but as the day draws closer, I seem to be more and more nervous.

Did anybody else experience this? I think part of it is about my parents not being thrilled, because I want them to be happy and understand where we are coming from. Even after many conversations, they are not convinced, and they are putting me on edge. All of our friends are thrilled as well as his supers at work, and my coworkers.

Everything does seem to be happening a little fast, but I amd my fiance are sure that we are soul mates.




  1. I was very nervous, and so was my husband, though he will never admit to that. I think that is a natural reaction to such a bold commitment. All turned out well though, we just celebrated our anniversary, for the 5th time.

  2. i just got married last month and was extremely nervous before hand, i think it is natural.  

  3. I am a little nervous, but my wedding is in April. I think it is natural to be nervous. There is a difference between nerves and fear. I think if you are afraid of being with that person forever than you have a problem.

    If you are just nervous about the actual wedding day...completely natural.  

  4. OMG I was so nervous i could barely light the unity candle.

    It's a natural thing. Good luck!  

  5. New relationships are wonderful.  He's the best guy in the world, I love him so much...  etc  That's because he's still new and you don't know his flaws.  

    You're super nervous because common sense is telling you it's not 100% right.  Talk to him, tell him your feelings.  Why aren't your parents thrilled?  If you are being married in a religious service, talk to your minister about your thoughts and feelings.

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