
Did anybody figure out why bees are disappearing? If there is no pollination what happens?

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Did anybody figure out why bees are disappearing? If there is no pollination what happens?




  1. Many scientists have said radiation from cell phones and cell phone towers interrupt the natural frequencies that bees to navigate and communicate.

    Off track thus no pollenation etc.

  2. if bees die ( they r ) then flowers will eventually die! but the trees wiill be ok, we would live.

  3. most scientists think it is from colony collapse syndrome, which is when the bees leave their hive 2 pollinate some flowers but they get lost and never come back. if their is no pollination we will loose all the flowers, (some trees have flowers such as apple trees) which would mean that if the flowers arent getting pollinated that we would get any fruit or vegtables so eventaully the whole food chain would collapse because everything we eat depends on flowers, fruits, or vegtable. so in other words if the flowers stop getting pollinated the human race will be extinguished by starvation.

  4. Years ago when the killer bee thing was going on, they introduced an insect that would kill the bees naturally, not thinking killer bees are part honey bee.  The insect or parasite or whatever spread and there you have it, another helpful item by our wonderful scientists who have so many brain cells they forget to use them.

  5. that may be true i havent seen a bee in a while now that i think of it

  6. thats cause the pollution in the ground, air, and in the water we use 2 water them and the plants die and the bees polinate them b4 the die and then a couple of hrs l8tr the bees die peacefully

  7. there are a few theories, Cellphone Towers Radio frequencies are masking their vision and they get lost and can't find their way back to the hive,  another theory is that the Ozone Layer is getting Blotchy and the suns radiation blinds to where they can't find the proper flower parts, they rely on UV vision and if the sun is too bright it will mask it out

    I myself have noticed in my yard I hardly ever see any honey bees in the clover, its mostly those little black bees, I have never seen so many, they look like those carpenter Bees but are much smaller about a little bigger than a honey bee

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