
Did anybody go to?

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Yeats College in Galway or it's sister in Waterford?




  1. no

  2. no but my gf lives in tipparary lol

  3. My son did, to both!  He started in Galway but it was too far away from home so transferred to Waterford, what is your query?

  4. No but I live in Waterford

  5. I never went but My friend went. She went to The one in Galway.

    She found it brilliant, she thought the way they taught was wonderful as well as the testing. She thought the people that went were very friendly and the staff were so helpful.

    I've heard nothing but good things about it. = )

    I think it's a really good idea that you take 9 subjects, It would definitely make you get much more points in your leaving cert.

    Good Luck = )

  6. The teaching isn't really any better,but you have to study till 9 so i guess that's good! and as far as i know you can do like 10 subjects if you want,but just bear in mind that you're not guaranteed any more points there than anywhere else,i've found people to be dissapointed

  7. Why would you wnat to do 9 subjects, you can only pick your best 6 to use the points for college, do you not think ud be better off spending more time on the 7 you choose instead of trying to spread yourself over 9??

    Have only heard good reports of yeats in Waterford, never been there but like all grind schools im sure they're pretty good at what they do. Depends on the student really in my humble opinion. If you want to work and do well you'll do it regardless of bein in a grind school or not.

    Best of luck in the Leaving x x
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