
Did anybody notice that the so called London bus at the closing ceremony was a fake?

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A real London bus would have turned up an hour late and charged through puddles spraying pedestrians with rain water.




  1. dont forget it would have charged all the passengers triple the price it should do

  2. :)

  3. Yeah!! and 4 would have come at once and dragging boxes of chicken and chips.

  4. Then where would they bury the survivors?

    Llorti, I do depend upon you for my weekly laughs!  Star for your posting. (And,'d best reset your time machine.)

  5. Its a Transformer.

  6. LOL!!! Hilarious.

  7. am i the only one who thinks this guy is being tarded?

  8. yeah the London part ruined the closing ceremony!

    British appeared, with a dance skit including a London bus and members of three dance companies. Clearly, they were playing far from home, with limited resources. Even so, it looked chaotic and under-rehearsed.

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