
Did anybody remember to set their clocks one hour ahead on March 9, 2 a.m.?

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Did anybody remember to set their clocks one hour ahead on March 9, 2 a.m.?




  1. Yes.  I set my clocks an hour ahead before I go to bed so when I wake up in the morning I don't have to worry about the time being wrong.

  2. No... i woke up confused because my alarm clock had automatically changed =(

  3. Yess sir!


  4. No, I woke up and almost missed breakfast because I had no idea.

  5. I woke up at 6:15 and remembered that I hadn't set my clocks forward yet. Oops.

  6. Mine set itself without me realizing it and I wound up getting up an hour earlier than I needed to. :(

  7. No, I didn't remember.  The clock read 7:00am when I got up.  I realized I was late when I turned on the TV and something other than what was expected was on.

    I wish we didn't have to change time.  I would prefer that the spring forward stay for more daylight hours.

  8. yes, but I wish it were something we didn't have to do.  It is stupid and I think we should be able to vote for or against it.

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