
Did anybody see usa volleyball team cheats?

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how come nobody in america is bragging about this , even nbc sliped ,and said the ball hit usa lee's hand but he keep quiet and the referee also, lol not fair to the chinese cominity.




  1. And you only saw one replay of one play.  If you saw a replay of all of the plays where no touch was called, you would see many more small touches that were not seen.  

    And the only reason we saw the replay was because the team from Brazil was complaining to the referees.  But not about the touch.  It was about the USA Libero using his hands to set the ball.  The team from Brazil thought that the USA Libero was on or in front of the line when he used his hands.  If that was the case, the next attack would make that play illegal.  And you are partially correct.  NBC and the announcers did miss the reason that Brazil was complaining.  That is why they showed that part of the replay of the touch at the net.  And for the record, I taped the match.  I looked at the replay of the feet of the USA Libero.  He was behind the line, set the ball, and then stepped on the line.  That part of the play was legal.

    If David Lee had made an honor call and told the referees that he did touch the ball, the referees would have taken the call.  And it would have been the only honor call of the match.  No one on Brazil did an honor call.  And I would also be willing to bet that no one in the Olympic tournament, including the Chinese teams, made an honor call.  I am also not seeing how a match between USA and Brazil has a play that is unfair to the Chinese community.  If you watched all of the matches that the Chinese teams played, you would not see an honor call by the Chinese teams either.  

  2. I'm sorry.

    In basketball if you tag on someones jersey, do you tell the ref?

    In football, when you're offsides you you tell the ref?

    In soccer, when you elbow someone do you tell the ref?

    Why is volleyball any different?'

    By the way. At least our USA volleyball players were the right age. Unlike the chinese gymnasts!

  3. ok chief, let me help your idiotic self out. The US did not "cheat" the referees are the ones who judge and call fouls, if they didn't see the foul then game on. Please grow up, get a life, and quit blameing the US for everything.  

  4. the chinese RUINED the olympics.too many bad calls, one ref got beat up because of it, a wrestler refused his medal, underage gymnasts, (why would it take so long to get their real age if it was'nt a lie?)

  5. Since when do the players ever make calls on the court. It's a ref problem not the USA men's GOLD medal team. Take it up with them.  

  6. hey moron, its not cheating if the officials missed the call. If you watched more than 30 seconds of one game you would see that players often get touches that the officials miss. Its not the players responsibility to call their own touch, blame the officials for missing a call, and dont call a team that worked hard to earn a medal cheaters.

  7. The ref makes the call, not the players.  There are no instant replays, things happen quick, they do the best job that they can.  

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