
Did anybody truly experience a haunting or any other ghostly phenom?

by  |  earlier

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I like to watch that show A Haunting and I want to believe what some of these people are saying in their stories to be true, I myself have never experienced anything but a friend of mine said she did




  1. I love that show!! But most of that stuff is total exaggeration. Ghost can't touch you and they can't kill you. But I still like that show.

    I experience hauntings all the time. Because I go ghost hunting with people. Ghost are amazing!

  2. i always believe in paranormal and weird stuffs and parasychology. there was this friend of mine. he/she is not here anymore. i always feel his/her presence and feel that he/she is trying to call or console or comfort or save or contact or help me. i always feel him/her beside me. it is not my IMAGINATION or i am NOT making it up. i feel him/her always beside me. i know that it is TRUE. ok.

  3. yess!!  i gett so freaked out.  i dont want to belive in ghosts but i do because of my esperienses:

    i have a lot of expeirences but the four that mostly come to mind are these:

    when i was 12 my room was moved to the basement because they were doing work on my room. so my first night i heard a voice saying somthing i couldnt understand and really couldnt hear beacause it was muffled. the second night i woke up at arond 2:40 and i saw a man sitting at the end of my bed looking at me with a baseball cap on. i didnt see him i just saw the otline of him. i closed my eyes quickly thinking it was a theif or somthing but when i opened my eyes about 2 minutes later he was gone. i think it was my brother though. my brother died when he was 2 weeks old, before i was born.

    the second is this:

    i was home alone and i got hungry so i decided to make some spagetti. all of a sudden the basement door opened and the brooms and stuff hanging on the door fell off. i didnt think anything of it because it happened often. i went over to the door to pick everything up and i still had the tomato sauce can in my hand. i accidently dropped the can and it rolled down the stairs to the basement. i turned the light on and went downstairs. then the dor slammed closed and the basement lights shut off. i ran up the stairs then and ran out of the house all the way down the block to my firends house.

    my third is this:

    my friend and my family were all sitting in the living room watching tv. then the radio started playing. my friend was sitting next to it and looked creeped out and said you have this on alarm? and i was like no. just turn it off. then we heard a loud shattering noise from the kitchen. we all went to the kitchen to see what it was. the oven glass had shatterd looking like someone had thrown a large rock at it. we all went back to the living room and then on the floor the radio was on the floor broken.

    and the fourth is this:

    my dad went to the bathroom to take a shower. i had to pee really badly lol and when i went in, on the glass writeen on the fog was "the devil lives" and on the counter was a corkscrew that to this day nobody claims have to put there.

  4. So let me understand, you are asking a bunch of strangers if your lady friend is a liar? The shame of it all, I don't know how you sleep at night.  

  5. I grew up in a house that had occasional unexplained things happening. Family, friends and girlfriends all experienced something at least once. There was often the lilt of conversation heard in the lounge when it was empty. Footsteps were heard in a back bedroom or sometimes coming up the stairs.  I was woken several times by the feel of something patting my feet or sitting at the end of my bed.

    If you read any of my answers, you'll see that I'm skeptical about all the weird stuff. I'm more of a debunker than believer. Despite this, I can't explain the things in that house. I haven't experienced them in any other place I've lived.

  6. My best friend has had some connections and contact with the spiritual world. When she would go to sleep, she would have a certain dream. Whenever she had this dream it would be three nights in a row. In her dream, a spirit with long, waist length hair and a red colonial style dress would appear. Then this spirit would call her a "Spiritual Daughter". She told me about this dream several times. I believe her because every time she told the story she would not give any signs this was not true.

  7. I've had an experience and most of my family has too. And no skeptic can tell me otherwise.

  8. No. They are all delusional. There is no supernatural. There are no ghosts. There are no spirits. And no one can talk to the dead. Wait. Yes you can talk to the dead, but they can't talk back. No one can read your mind. You cannot read anyone else's. No one can see the future. If they could they would be betting everything they own on the lottery.

    Remember two things. What you see on TV is fiction. Second, always be skeptical.

  9. my mom did

    and FYI  to some people no one knows if there really are or not any siprits so dont say tehre isnt

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