
Did anybody watch The Democraic Convention?

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Did anybody watch The Democraic Convention?




  1. No, nobody watched it.

    The Democratic Convention got absolutely zero views. Everyone was out sledding and playing limbo at the time. Sorry to say they all missed it.

  2. I don't think anyone watched the "Democraic" convention...but I tried to watch the "Democratic" convention.

    I tried...but it was depressing. I thought it 1930 again. I had no idea we were such a mean, uncaring, ungrateful country! What a horrible people we are! How dare we not punish success more than we already do!

    I have spent 40 yrs thinking I wanted to be successful, but thanks to the Dems, I know better now....

  3. Of course I watched it. Obama Baby!!!

  4. I did.

  5. Off and on, yes.

  6. About 40 million, kiddo. Just compare the numbers after.  

  7. Yes, and I must say it was quite extraordinary. I'm proud that my party took full advantage of their "week in the spotlight" to give McCain the full force of the Democratic party. I have high hopes that Barack will win the 2008 election.

    Obama-Biden '08

  8. 38 million watched Obama's speech and that's a fact Jack

  9. I watched some of the Democratic convention I am after all a Democrat.  

  10. yes

    about 25,0000people on welfare

  11. sorry i dont watch comedy.

  12. didn't miss a second of it.

  13. You mean the I hate america and theres nothing right with our country convention. Nope.

  14. Tried and slept right through the stupid thing.  BORING!  

  15. Yes. Over 38 Million watched Obama's Acceptance Speech, making it the most watched Convention Speech EVER.

  16. Nearly 40 Million People Watched Barack Obama's Speech


    "Nearly 40 million viewers tuned in to watch the big Obama speech on Thursday night, more than the audience for the opening night of the Beijing Olympics, and the finale of American Idol. . . . The ratings for the 2008 Democratic National Convention have been nearly five times higher than the 2004 convention."


    Record-setting numbers of people, actually.

  17. Yeah....It was horrible.

  18. I watched almost all of it. It was watched by 40 million Americans.

  19. yes, I have was on here Y/A while it was on & there were no many people here. It was magnificent. Many people of little faith who ask how Obama is going to do things should have watched it. Most of the speech in the begining I didn't listen to but the Clintons & Biden & Obamas & some others gave some really great speechs. If you can find them some where they are worth listening to. I felt elevated this people have so much class. Then we go back the next day to McCain picking Palin & on & on. It was a blessed even. I look forward to our country being managed by these great people.

  20. I fell asleep with it on...Does that count?

    It was boring; same old same old.

  21. Yes, and almost 40 million Americans watched Obama's great speech.  

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